Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hakuna Matata (It means no worries)

Call me crazy. Call me childish. Call me whatever you want, but there is no doubt... The Lion King is one of the best movies of all time. It is my favorite ("A Time to Kill" being a close second).

Taylor recently bought me a coffee cup. It is the only one that I will drink out of now. It's quality.

This would be the cup. You can see why it is relevant...
 I doubt Disney did it on purpose, but this thought of no worries has scriptural relevance.

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done" -Philippians 4:6

I was talking with my Dad recently about time. Time is flying by. The last year has flown by. Thanksgiving is this coming week, and Christmas is just a month away. I got to thinking about this. I think that time flies by because we are so stinkin' busy. The time is full of our "business" and it disappears into moments.

With so much going on, it's easy to worry. It is easy to become stressed over everything that is jam-packed into our everyday lives.

" How am I going to pay for this? I need to get this, this, and that done. And, I'm having relationship problems."

Sometimes we just need to shut up, and quit thinking so much. We need to let all of those worries go. Not one of those thoughts will add another moment to our lives, but in actuality could shorten them. Christ has our best interests in mind. And, if we belong to Him, He is going to take care of us.

Christmas is known to many as a time of joy. But, to many it is a season of depression and grief. Many are reminded of lost loved ones. Loneliness will inhabit lots of hearts. People will struggle with unforgiveness and hate. If you are one of those struggling, know that Christ loves you. Know that He has a plan for your life. The biggest part of that plan was a gift name Jesus. Go to Him so that He can meet you with compassion and love. Open your heart with prayer and live a life of no worries.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Enjoyable, and The "I'm gonna throw up" Feeling

Somethings in life should make us happy. Somethings in life should make us smile. Lots of things in life should cause us to laugh, and enjoy life. But, other things have an opposite effect.

This post is to encourage you to enjoy the things that God has made for you to enjoy. Enjoy good friends, enjoy good food, enjoy His word, and enjoy His creation. When we do this, let's enjoy Him. Let's enjoy all He has given us and turn back to Him the praise for it. God loves you, and has given you gifts to enjoy. Eat those things up. Bathe in God's grace to you.

But, because we love God, and praise Him for what He has done, we are to be disgusted with everything else outside of that. Our view of God defines our view of the world, sin, and everything that makes up who we are. If we have a big view of God, we see sin as serious and destructive. If we love God, we hate our sin. If we are running towards God, we are running away from everything else that is not headed in that direction.

Enjoy God, and cringe at everything outside of Him. We are in a battle. Life and death. We are supposed to be the outsiders of this world. The bible actually calls those who belong to Jesus foreigners of this land. Everything you post, say, do, and wear will be analyzed. Make sure you reflect Christ by enjoying Him, and pushing away everything else.

Remember that the King loves you, and live by His grace today.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Good, Pleasing, and Perfect.

We spend our whole lives searching. We search for something solid. We look for something steady. We look for something that stands up when others sit down. We live our journey focused on something that will make us happy. We pour energy into finding something that works. We have sleepless nights and stressful days while striving to find that perfect path...or one that at least works half of the time.

Search no longer.

If someone has ever told you that the Word of God isn't true that person is a liar. If someone has told you that the Word of God is not applicable don't listen to another word they have to say on the subject.

Romans 12:1-2 has been on my heart big time the last 2 weeks.

Romans 12:1-2
1 And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

In a world full of uncertainty, this passage tells us that we can be certain. As the world rushes around searching without a clue, the Word says that we can have much more than a clue. God has HUGE plans for your life. He has a plan for your life that leads to good things. A plan that is pleasing to you, and Himself. This plan is perfect, unlike any other plan. But, none of that matters unless we respond correctly to God's grace.

The way to respond to God's grace is to offer ourselves back to Him. The bible says that by God's grace we were bought at a high price. Therefore, we no longer belong to ourselves. As believers, we have been made a new creature by belonging to Jesus. He deserves us. He is worthy of our lives. He is calling us to give up our life so that we may live a life that glorifies Him, but one that also satisfies us.

How awesome is that? God has our best interests in mind. Though He wants our life, He wants to give us one that is worth living. God loves you so much that He wants to give you something that will be good, and that will last forever. This is the calling that you have been searching for!

Turn it over. Don't debate if it's worth it or not. Jesus is better. I can tell you from being in the will of God and not being in the will of God, that following Jesus is much better than not. That doing what God has called me to do has been much more pleasing than living a life full of lust and sin. Knowing God's plan for my life by giving it to Him has been far more peaceful than living on the edge and not knowing what will come next.

You may be looking at what you will lose, but you will get so much more in return. Something that is good, pleasing, and perfect.

Jesus is better.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Shoes to Fill...

This week has been a good week. Jesus keeps on blessing. I've needed some new shoes for a while. This week Christ blessed with not only one new pair, but two. As I was looking in the store, I was having a little trouble finding my size. My feet are not huge. So I tried on several pairs that didnt fit just right. My heel would slide when I stepped, my toe would bend at the end, or the shoe was just plain uncomfortable. But, when I found the right shoe with the right fit, I knew it. There was no need for me to look at any other shoe similar to it. No need to consult an employee there at the store. When it fits, it fits.

Sometimes life is like this. I know sometimes I feel like I just haven't found my place. From time to time I will get the feeling that my life and I just don't fit.

What do you do when the shoe doesn't fit? You don't quit. You pick up another shoe, knowing that you will eventually find your size. In life we have to keep trying. We have to keep searching. We have to know that Christ has a plan for us, and that He will help us find it, to live it.

This can get dangerous. Sometimes we get fustrated and look elsewhere. We forget the best source, and settle for something that seems to work temporarily. But, when we do that with shoes we end up with blisters and ugly toes. That's gross. Don't settle for a plan that doesn't fit. God's is the only plan that will. Don't settle for something that seems alright now, but will leave you sore after walking in it a few days. Don't get frustrated with your faith, and settle for living in doubt of the fact that God loves you. Don't change stores by buying crap like alcohol, sex, and pride from the world. That things are not in your best interest. And, your best interest is in God's plan.

Know that God chose you. He chose you for a purpose. He chose you for a life. He chose to have His Son crucified so that you could live that life. Don't settle. Find the shoe that fits and wear the bottoms out.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What I'm Gonna Do When I Grow Up

When I was a kid, believe it or not, I wanted to be an artist. That's right, an artist. I loved to draw. One my favorite movies ever, even now, is the Lion King. When I was a kid I would spend all day drawing lions. Looking back my lion looked like a moose, but I had my mind set on being an artist. But, as you can see, my dreams changed.
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Plans change with time. We grow, and we take steps back. One day we want to be an astronaut and one day we want be the next Brett Favre. One day we want to get the job, and the next we're looking for a new one. Oh, one day we are sold out to serving Christ, and the next we allow our plans get in the way.

We must remember, as believers, we live according to the Lordship of Christ. We must keep in mind that Christ has a plan for us, and it is better than any dream that we could ever dream up.

This gets tough. But, from the very beginning of our Christian walk we are made into a new creation. This new creation is one with a new mind, a new heart, and a new life with new plans. All of those new things are made new not only to clean our slate, but to focus us fully on Christ. We are made new so that we can be who Christ wants us to be, and so that we may live the life that He has called us to live.

Sometimes we look at this and we get discouraged, but it should give us great joy. Living for the plans of Christ, we cannot fail. He will not let us fail. Living for Christ, we do not have to meet the expectations of others. But, God's expectations are being met by what Christ is doing through you.

Here are some verses to help remind you that Jesus and His plans for your life are superior to any fantasy.

Jeremiah 29:11

"11 For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."

Romans 12:1-2
"1 And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."

Psalm 32:8
 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.”

Psalm 118:8
 “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”

Proverbs 3:5-6
 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not upon your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your path.”

Psalm 121:3
 “He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber.”
1 Corinthians6: 19-20

1 Corinthians 6:19-20
“19 Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself,20 for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.”

Proverbs 16:9
“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”

Matthew 6:33
 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Green Mile

What does the color Green remind you of? March maybe, because of St. Patty's day. Maybe Spring because of the new life. Maybe you're a fan of the Packers. What about allergy season? Or, infection.

Green is also associated with ENVY. We talked about envy last night in our youth Bible study. One youth reminded us of the synonym, JEALOUSY. To, in other words, want what you don't have. You envy others who have it, and you become jealous because you don't. We talked about people that we are envious of. On the list were the rich. Athletes were mentioned.Others among the many were pretty girls, people with good parents, and those with power. It was obvious to us that we all have envious hearts, but we seemed to all agree on another point as well:

What Christ Has For Us Is Better.

We looked at our lives. We saw instances where we were given what we had asked for and it usually didn't turn out like we had planned. The stuff that we so desired usually came up short. It wouldn't be enough once we had it. Or, it would make us miserable. The bad relationship or big house would leave us with more cleaning up to do than we had in the first place. This conversation echoed the statement: What Christ has for us is so much better than anything this world can offer us.

But, life gets hard. Our desires run wild. And, sometimes we forget what God has promised us while we look at what our neighbor has. Here are some verses to help you not turn green:

Romans 12:2
Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Hebrews 13:5"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
John 10:28-30
"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. I and the Father are one.”

Luke 22:25-3025 Jesus told them, "In this world the kings and great men lord it over their people, yet they are called 'friends of the people.'26 But among you it will be different. Those who are the greatest among you should take the lowest rank, and the leader should be like a servant.27 Who is more important, the one who sits at the table or the one who serves? The one who sits at the table, of course. But not here! For I am among you as one who serves. 28 "You have stayed with me in my time of trial.29 And just as my Father has granted me a Kingdom, I now grant you the right30 to eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom. And you will sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

"Shhhh, You Shouldn't Say That In Church."

Work was somewhat fun tonight. I'm a waiter. I am the only male waiter, so you can only imagine what the atmosphere is like. Well, it's always interesting when Jesus and other sensitive subjects as such come up.

Tonight a conversation was occurring and someone looked at me and said, "You don't mention that in your sermons do ya?"

The conversation didn't go much further. No one got angry. And, no heated discussion broke out. No real story to tell. But, it did leave me thinking. I was left asking myself questions. What needs to be discussed in church, and what is appropriate to be discussed in church?

My thought:

Everything that effects the believer and the world that believer lives in should be addressed, by the church, for the benefit of the church and the furthering of the Gospel.

Some believe that cultural, political, and somewhat personal topics should be left undiscussed inside of the church. I would disagree. I am strong believer in the idea that many of the churches issues today stem from undiscussed, therefore unresolved, topics and sins of yesterday.

Many topics seem to be "hush-hush" in the church. Like, why do some people see the need to whisper the word "sex" in church. We treat this and other terms like homosexuality, alcohol, and politics like curse words. In many situations, some churches refuse to address sin by not discussing topics like divorce, homosexuality, and modern day idolatry. When we do this we run from ruffling others' feathers by discomfort and awkwardness, but we also run from discipleship and growth.

I strongly believe that the church is called to be much more than just a place of weekly worship. It is a great responsibility of good biblical churches to teach and educate. Not only on Genesis and the Ten Commandments, but on tough topics that it's members will face day to day. We must know where Jesus stands, so we will know where to stand.

We, as the church, must also know the culture of the people in which we are trying to reach with the truth of Gods love. We must know who we are talking to so that we may effectively approach them with the gospel. As disciples, we are called to be doctors. We must know sickness when we see it. We must know how to treat the sickness. When we refuse to discuss and be educated on our culture, we are like a man who calls himself a doctor but refuses to treat patients and refuses to treat them correctly.

It is important for these issues to be first discussed in the church so we do not create for ourselves a view that is incorrect. We need to learn about these things as a congregation and by studying the Word. The way we view God determines the way we view everything else. They are not separate views, but one runs in correlation with the other. Listen to what C.S. Lewis said:

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”

Friday, September 30, 2011

Fall (HOOK'EM)

So, the weather man says, it's going to start feeling a little like fall this weekend. With highs in the 60's, and a nice breeze, summer seems to be saying bye-bye.

I am pumped! Fall is my favorite season! Winter is my second. I'm not a fan of walking outside and sweating instantly. I love the coolness in the air, the ability to wear jeans, and the comfort of my TEXAS hoodie. (HOOK'EM!) Fall also means that football is in full swing. Though the first few weeks have passed, this is when things get serious. My Longhorns are playing well, so fall is looking to be even better than usual.
Texas Longhorns Volleyball athletic logoImage via Wikipedia

I'm excited for mornings. After the gym, I'll be able to come home and go out for a run. I'll be able to see my breath on the extra-cool days. Then I'll be able come back, grab some coffee, and do some from porch sittin'.

BTW, the Pumpkin Spice Latte is back at Starbucks.

Oh, did I mention the leaves? I love'em. Burnt orange (HOOK'EM!) is my favorite color. I love looking outside and seeing the awesome combination of orange, yellow, brown, and such. Nothing like it. I'm hoping to make some mountain trips. Hike some, and just enjoy the outdoors without sweating my way through my t-shirt.

Oh yea. The boots.
My boots. I have had the same pair of work boots since the sixth grade. Yes, I have graduated high school, and yes they do still fit. I wear'em huntin'. I wear'em out. I may even wear'em to church. But, you better believe that I'm gonna wear'em.

So, get out. Enjoy it. Don't let this season pass without making some memories, watching some football, and wearing jeans.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Adam and Eve chose the Apple.
Kane chose jealousy and murder.
David chose pleasure.
Samson chose Delilah.
The Israelites chose the wilderness.

But ask them...

and they will tell you that Jesus is better.

Throughout  the bible and history, the human race has had to make a choice. As we have lived, temptations and options have been offered from the world. From an item of our worldly desire to a refusal to follow the road in  which we have been called, we have been called to choose.

We have been called to Christ. We have been called to salvation and to walk with Christ in submission. Loving Him, and serving Him. But, sometimes we choose wrong. We get cloudy minded. We fall into a slumber. We fall into sin.

We do this thinking that it will pay out. We do so thinking that the temporary and instant pleasure will be worth it, but also knowing that in the end it won't be. We look at all of our options, and weigh them out like we are looking at the dollar menu at McDonald's. But, when choosing anything other than Christ, we settle. It's like settling for McDonald's when you could be eating at Ruth's Chris. Jesus is Better.

Ask Peter. This man chose denial over Jesus. He refused to know Jesus to save himself from bodily harm. But, it made him miserable. But, by grace, Jesus came back to him. Jesus reiterated His call on Peter's life, and told him to feed His sheep. Peter did so. By grace, Peter built the early church. Though Peter faced persecution, and what Peter was called to do was tough, he did so with His joy in The Lord. Peter would tell you that Jesus is better.

What choices are you having to make? Have you already made the wrong choice? Are you leading a life of addiction? You may be refusing to follow God's calling. You may be looking for a way out. Just like Christ offered a way out to Peter, He is offering His grace to you. He is giving you an opportunity to choose Him. Don't wait. You may not have much more time. And even if you do, you don't want to waste it on anything other than Jesus. Why?

Jesus Is Better.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What I'm Reading

Being in The Word of God daily is an essential part in growing in Christ. When approached correctly, not out of duty or obligation, it is an awesome time of fellowship and companionship. It is a time where we read from the very lips of God, and learn so much, as we all need to.

I can tell when I read, and when I don't. The days that I don't read are drastically different from the days that I do.

Do you drink coffee? I do. I love it. I love it, because when I drink it I feel like I fly off a trampoline into my day. When I don't? I'm sluggish. I get tired rolling the sleeves of my shirt up. Reading the Bible daily is like this. But, multiplied by 8765348756238765. Reading the Bible starts your day off with Christ. How could that not effect your day so much more than caffeine?

Dudes, the probability is that you make time for Sportscenter. Girls, you make time for makeup and hair. Which is more important to you, growing in Christ or growing in your knowledge of Cam Newton's passer rating? Do you love yourself (hair and image) or Jesus more? Prioritize. Be faithful to read the Word. It'll change your life.

I'm currently reading Nehemiah. It is changing the way I think. Christ, through His word, is changing my faith. Nehemiah's fear of God is being used to impress on my heart the reality of Christ. Nehemiah's commitment to God's will is challenging me to become a man of promises kept, and not a social prostitute. Faith is not a part of the Christian life. It is the WHOLE thing. Reading the Word is an essential part of our faith. The Word keeps us grounded in our faith, and turns us into people who are faithful.

Read, and grow. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Fresh Start

Awesome stuff I heard on my way home last night. I often listen to a local christian radio station, K-Love 94.1. This station isn't the norm. It is focused on doing ministry, and I'm encouraged by it almost every day. Take a look.

Well, back to my point. Last night they were talking about an event coming up this Sunday morning. It's national "Back to Church Day". I thought it was cheesy at first, but I kept listening. The focus is to get those who have gotten out of the habit back in the habit. There are many who have left church for various reasons, but this could serve as a fresh start, even if local churches don't even recognize this day.

Maybe you've gotten out of the habit. You may be saying, "Well, we're looking for something new", or maybe you were hurt by something and have no intentions on making your return to Christian fellowship. Listen, Christ loves you. Christ wants you to grow in Him. Christ knows that being in fellowship, and coming together with other believers is essential. Let me encourage you to get in a good, bible believing and teaching church. There is no better time than now. Say, "No more excuses, No more procrastination", and get back into the swing of things.

To those who are in church. I also heard a statistic that blew me away! According to a source, 82% of unchurched people would consider coming to church if they were invited. 82%! That's a huge number. All you have to do is invite. Be who Christ has called us to be. Tell others about Christ, and try to get them into church. Though an invitation to church is not the Gospel, it is a big part of individual growth and discipleship. Get out of your comfort zone, and penny loafers. Put on your gloves and work boots. Get to it, Church!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sky High

I love the sky. This week especially.

We have had storms in our area early this week, and beautiful landscapes above have become of them. This morning as the sun came up, I was outside, and was able to see all of the colors intertwined. It was cooler than usual this morning too, so it was close to perfect.

I thank God for surrounding us with reminders of Himself. This sky was magnificent, but its just a glimpse of how stunning He must be. I thank God for filling the earth, and the things above it, with beauty and excitement. I thank Christ for loving us enough to give us the pleasure of observing what He has done. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"That baby don't look like me"


Everyone needs to take it. Few actually show it. And, you have a choice in it.

Situations arise in life. Whether we make a mistake, someone else makes a mistake, or a freak accident takes place, opportunities to take responsibility for and within these situations lay around all over the place like clothes in a teenagers bedroom. 

Often enough, we are like a little boy who has the last at-bat of the game, while down one run and a runner on third, yet refuses to step up to the plate. We see the gold, the prize, or the problem but can't manage to muster up the intestinal fortitude to take responsibility.

I'm learning as I grow up that responsibility is a key component to what defines a man. A man's responsibility would be the bun if his character was a cheeseburger. It has to be consistent, persistent, and resilient. Never backing down when things get difficult, and letting others go first when things are easy. The captain never leaves the ship, right? Men, stick it out.

Ladies, your not off the hook. Responsibility is not just for the men. As the men, you have the responsibility of becoming exactly what Christ has called you to be. Don't settle for less than Christ has for you. You're beautiful, and precious to The King. You have the responsibility of being content with what you are given, and being satisfied in Christ. Don't sell out to the world. Don't settle for attracting BOYS with your legs. Don't settle for the typical girly-girl gossip and "I'm sexy" attitude. But, take responsibility, and become a Proverbs 31 woman. Take pride in being the Bride of Christ.

Jesus is a model. He took on responsibility even when it wasn't His. He was responsible and remained sinless. He was responsible and was crucified when we failed to show the same responsibility. You are now responsible to answer the call, and follow Christ. Follow Him with all of your heart, and every other responsibility, though it may be tough, will be taken care of. That "character cheeseburger" I mentioned earlier? The meat is Christ. Don't miss out on the  protein.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Call is Greater.

Today I posted something on Twitter/Facebook and it grabbed some attention. Some hated it, and some agreed. I wanted to explain the comment and look at this biblically, which was my original intent. This will be a lengthy explanation, but I hope those who misinterpreted my post will read it. Know that this will not be based off of social views, political correctness, or opinion. I have drawn this conclusion from a contradiction between the Word, and society. Know that if you don't agree with the Word, and don't actively read the Word, you will disagree.

"Don't think that you are exempt from hell because you aren't muslim, an abortionist, gay, a murderer, or an atheist. The call is greater"

(Above is what is the post)

The first misconception about this is that I was attacking the included groups. That is not the case. My point was to call out another group. That group happens to be those that look down upon the included groups, and finds themselves to be right with Christ because they haven't done those things, or aren't doing those things. My point was not to be judgemental, but to call out those who find themselves right by others' faults.

I actually think that point of view is more obnoxious and against the Gospel than any others. This post was against modern day Pharisees, and I pray that, by God's grace, I do not fall into that category.

Saying that, I will not apologize for viewing the world through the lenses of God's word. I firmly believe that other religions, abortion, homosexuality, murder, and atheism are contrary to Christ. Anything contrary to Christ would fall into sin. These sins are no worse than another, but applied to my given point.

Just as any other sin, these sins can result in hell. Those who believe this statement to be false, and unbiblical, read Romans 6:23. But, through God's grace, we can be saved from our SIN. Someone who is truly saved, is not only saved from the consequences of their sins, but they are saved from their SIN. Meaning that, by grace, they are given new life in Christ, and will no longer live in their old life. How can the redeemed live a life that is not redeemed, and how can the alive live like the dead?

If you know me, and my testimony, you know that I was the worst of the worst. I understand grace. I understand that God's grace is so powerful and overwhelming that He does not allow us, His children, to continue to live as though we do not know Him. I believe in loving people to Christ. But, honesty is a part of love. If I love you, and see you on fire I must tell you. Not out of judgement, but out of love. If you were convicted by this post, it wasn't because of me. I called no names. If your heart was pricked by the comment, it is probably time for a heart check.

What must we do to be saved? Check out Acts 2:37-40

To Believers: I am being made more and more aware that there are many people, calling themselves Christians, who do not believe the Word of God in its entirety. These people are not Christians at all, but are enemies of the Gospel. If you are not believing the Bible, every verse that is, you fall into this category. Remember that when Christ inspired His word, He did not consult us, therefore, in our sinful nature, there will be things that offend us and step on our toes. This does not change the bibles truth, but convicts us of our sinfulness. Pray that God changes your heart to match His, by His grace. He convicts us, and changes us, because He loves us. Check your heart.

By His Grace and In His Love,
Seth Springs

Friday, July 29, 2011


Whoville: Home of the Who's? Cindy Lou Who?

Who are you? Who do you want to be? And, more importantly, who is God calling you to be?

So many conversations in the last month have been with those who clain to know exactly who they are. Some had pride seaping through the pores of their skin. Others showed their disgust for themselves as they harped on their sins and appearance. Often enough, we see ourselves as the exact opposite of what we are. Christ has shown me over the past few months that one major issue with my heart is that I have no idea who I am. That I forget that my "I am" should be "I and through Christ." Many times we look at our lives and only see us. We look into the mirror and see nothing but our broken reflection. But, God doesn't see that.

  • Do you know what God saw? God saw His creation. God doesn't make junk. He saw His creation, in his own image. He saw His creation, you, in trouble because of sin. Because He saw so much, He sent His Son. He saw you as precious.
  • Do you know what God sees? If we are now in Christ, God no longer sees us and our sin. But, because Christ gave up all of His righteousness and gave it to us, He sees us as perfect and made right through the grace, and only by the grace, of God. He sees you new, clean, and forgiven.
If you have a true relationship with Jesus you belong to The King. You were chosen, picked, adopted, elected, and positioned into grace by The One who created everything! You are not junk. You are not empty and useless. You are not ugly or awful, but beautiful and pure through God's grace. And ONLY by grace. You are not good enough. You did nothing to recieve this. You are no better than anyone else. But, Christ loved you so much, He sent His son for you. You are special and chosen by The King.

Who do you want to be? Are you contantly searching for something new or advanced? Do you have your entire life planned out? You, like me, probably have a picture in your mind of the person that you want to become. You may want to be thin and sexy, or rich and famous. Maybe you just want to be comfortable and recognizable. I am now praying that if who I want to be isn't who Christ wants me to be, that my plan crumble in my hands. Why pray a prayer like this? Because, the plan that Christ has for me is so much better.

What and who are you striving for? Strive for Christ, and remember, you belong to The King.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Don't Get Old

Righteousness has nothing to do with age. Holiness does not automatically grow with the years. Maturity isn't a given.

Refuse to get old. Refuse to let life pass you by. Do not allow your pulse to be the only piece of evidence that you are still alive.


So often Matthew (8) and I will be out in the yard throwing football or playing basketball and he'll get lazy. Just standing around, and waiting for the ball to bounce in his direction. The other day we had a talk. (oh no) I reminded Matthew that you don't get life back. That last shot is one less shot you will ever shoot. That last pass means you have one less pass in your life, so make the most of it. You don't get time back.

I have decided that life isn't worth playing safe. Its not about walking the line, but about being extraordinary. And, its not to be remembered, but to make sure Christ is remembered. Do you think Christ gave us a new life so that we could hide it behind hymnals and ties? No. Christ gave us a life to live, and I believe we have been given permission to live it in a dangerous way so that we can bring God glory in a way that is dangerous to comfort and complacency. Whether stepping out to share Christ, or jumping off a cliff... LIVE: You don't get this life back.

Don't be one of the elderly who sit and say that they wish they were young again because of what they missed. Don't allow yourself to make it to your death bed without adventure. It's not a sin to be exciting, and all risk is not from Satan. Live a life that is far away from the sideline, and close to the goalline. Don't settle for lazy day songs by pop artists, or un-biblical and safe southern gospel music that isn't even about The Gospel. You play to win the game. So no punting, or kicking field goals. Go for the win, and throw the hail mary pass. This is eternal life: LIVE IT.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Shout (video included)

Isaiah 40

1 "Comfort, comfort my people,"

says your God.

2 "Speak tenderly to Jerusalem.

Tell her that her sad days are gone

and her sins are pardoned.

Yes, the LORD has punished her twice over

for all her sins."

3 Listen! It's the voice of someone shouting,

"Clear the way through the wilderness

for the LORD!

Make a straight highway through the wasteland

for our God!

4 Fill in the valleys,

and level the mountains and hills.

Straighten the curves,

and smooth out the rough places.

5 Then the glory of the LORD will be revealed,

and all people will see it together.

The LORD has spoken!"*

6 A voice said, "Shout!"

I asked, "What should I shout?"

"Shout that people are like the grass.

Their beauty fades as quickly

as the flowers in a field.

7 The grass withers and the flowers fade

beneath the breath of the LORD.

And so it is with people.

8 The grass withers and the flowers fade,

but the word of our God stands forever."

9 O Zion, messenger of good news,

shout from the mountaintops!

Shout it louder, O Jerusalem.*

Shout, and do not be afraid.

Tell the towns of Judah,

"Your God is coming!"

10 Yes, the Sovereign LORD is coming in power.

He will rule with a powerful arm.

See, he brings his reward with him as he comes.

11 He will feed his flock like a shepherd.

He will carry the lambs in his arms,

holding them close to his heart.

He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.

12 Who else has held the oceans in his hand?

Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?

Who else knows the weight of the earth

or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?

13 Who is able to advise the Spirit of the LORD?*

Who knows enough to give him advice or teach him?

14 Has the LORD ever needed anyone's advice?

Does he need instruction about what is good?

Did someone teach him what is right

or show him the path of justice?

15 No, for all the nations of the world

are but a drop in the bucket.

They are nothing more

than dust on the scales.

He picks up the whole earth

as though it were a grain of sand.

16 All the wood in Lebanon's forests

and all Lebanon's animals would not be enough

to make a burnt offering worthy of our God.

17 The nations of the world are worth nothing to him.

In his eyes they count for less than nothing—

mere emptiness and froth.

18 To whom can you compare God?

What image can you find to resemble him?

19 Can he be compared to an idol formed in a mold,

overlaid with gold, and decorated with silver chains?

20 Or if people are too poor for that,

they might at least choose wood that won't decay

and a skilled craftsman

to carve an image that won't fall down!

21 Haven't you heard? Don't you understand?

Are you deaf to the words of God—

the words he gave before the world began?

Are you so ignorant?

22 God sits above the circle of the earth.

The people below seem like grasshoppers to him!

He spreads out the heavens like a curtain

and makes his tent from them.

23 He judges the great people of the world

and brings them all to nothing.

24 They hardly get started, barely taking root,

when he blows on them and they wither.

The wind carries them off like chaff.

25 "To whom will you compare me?

Who is my equal?" asks the Holy One.

26 Look up into the heavens.

Who created all the stars?

He brings them out like an army, one after another,

calling each by its name.

Because of his great power and incomparable strength,

not a single one is missing.

27 O Jacob, how can you say the LORD does not see your troubles?

O Israel, how can you say God ignores your rights?

28 Have you never heard?

Have you never understood?

The LORD is the everlasting God,

the Creator of all the earth.

He never grows weak or weary.

No one can measure the depths of his understanding.

29 He gives power to the weak

and strength to the powerless.

30 Even youths will become weak and tired,

and young men will fall in exhaustion.

31 But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength.

They will soar high on wings like eagles.

They will run and not grow weary.

They will walk and not faint.


Isaiah 40 is probably one of my favorite passages in the bible.

Isaiah 40 discusses our redemption, and how it is coming. To break it down, it speaks of God's Greatness, Our Expiration, and A Coming Savior. Excited? Better Be.

God's Greatness
This passage states many things about our God. He is limitless. He will live forever, and He has always lived. The fact is, our God has no equal. He formed everything in existence. He never needs counsel, but we should take His advice.

There are 4 main points to the Gospel:
1. God is Good
2. We are Bad
3. Jesus is the answer
4. We must respond

This particular passage highlights the first point. God is good. God is pure and has no fault. Even when things are bad, and situations are awful, God is good and faithful.

To realize this takes humility. Because of God's goodness, we must agree to take the backseat, or at least the passenger seat. We must become second in our hearts. If God is your co-pilot, you need to swap seats. Every desire, and every dream, must be submitted to God. We must trust Him with them. Why depend on us, when we can depend on Him?

Our Expiration

If you don't find God's goodness thrilling, you may have not fully realized your expiration. We must come to grips with the fact that we will die.

"6 A voice said, "Shout!"

I asked, "What should I shout?"

"Shout that people are like the grass.
 Their beauty fades as quickly

as the flowers in a field.

7 The grass withers and the flowers fade

beneath the breath of the LORD.
 And so it is with people.

This is a problem. Death is here because we have sinned. We fade because we are sick. We have a disease worse than cancer or aids. This is the second point of the Gospel.

But, God recognizes this. He is good, remember? And, included in His goodness is His grace. This entire passage is centered around His grace. Because of His grace, He tells Isaiah to shout that our salvation is coming.

Coming of a Savior
 The point of the bible is: Jesus. The point of this passage is: Jesus. The point of our lives: Jesus.

When verse three says clear the way, it means for Jesus. This passage is a passage of hope because it points to Christ. Despite our sin, God sent exactly what we needed. He sent power to the weak, strength to the powerless, and endurance to the runners. He sent life to the dead. This is the third point of the Gospel: Jesus is the answer.

Now what? The fourth point: Respond.

Follow Jesus no matter what the cost. We learn in this passage that God is worth more than anything we will lose, because what we will lose will fade anyway. Live in His grace today. Walk on your knees in submission to the Father. He is worthy. We are worthless. Praise God, Jesus is bridging the gap.

Oh, and don't forget to shout. Tell someone about Jesus today.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

You're just old...

Life goes by fast. And, by the grace of God, I'm still living it. I've noticed lately that life never stops.

My brother Brandon, 22, graduated from Appalachian St. University on Saturday. I can remember when he beat the tar out me when we were kids. I loved going to his baseball tournaments when he played AAU every summer. I remember his high school graduation, where John Kasay was the speaker. He's a college grad. He's an adult. My brother? Yea, that's crazy.

My brother Trey, 28, gets married in two weeks! The wedding is in my favorite place, Charleston, SC, and I must say that I am pumped. I can't believe that I will soon have a brother that has a wife. That's crazy. He is a grown man. He will go home to her everyday. She will cook, and they will have a new life. Kids come into the realm of reality. I can't believe it.

This fall, I start college. I graduated from High school a semester early and I have been working full time  since February.

My older brothers are grown up, and I'm getting there. Matthew, 8, still has a while, but he is getting closer each day. It won't be long before he has pimples, and wears deodorant. I hope I'm there to help him along, as my older brothers were for me.

My point in all this? I hope that when grow, we are growing closer to Christ. We have no choice in how old we are, or how long we live. But, I pray that as we live, we do so for Christ more and more. As we go to school, get jobs, and get married, we need to do so while living in God's gracious will.

Here is a prayer for your life...

"God, make me and change me into who you saved me to be, so that I can bring glory and honor to your name."

Don't just grow, but grow in Him.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Nothing Whorish, but Very Whole-ish

A man once said, "Waking up each morning is grace. Demanding anything more is greed."

I like the choice of words. In the first statement he speaks of grace. Stating that the breath of daily life is much more than a given. In the second he uses the term demanding. The terms desiring, wanting, or attempting to have were not used.

The term "Content" is a lot deeper than seven letters. What does it mean?

Content: feeling or showing satisfaction with one's possessions, status, or situation

To be content does not mean to settle. As believers, we often settle for less than what God has for us. We do this for many reasons. Sometimes its because of a fear of failure. Sometimes we just get distracted, and forget that God has a bigger and better plan than twitter and facebook. Sometimes we just tired of looking and trying. Settling seems to be easy, but it is surely not a way out.

We seem to settle in many areas. Maybe you are exhausted, and settle for a job just because you need one, and not because it is the one God has set apart for you. You have probably settled in relationships. You settle for less than Mr. or Mrs. God's plan for you. This means you have settled for less than love, less than moral, and less than right. No matter where you settle, you will always get less. Settling is not in the definition of being content, but being satisfied is.

To be content is to be totally satisfied by what God has blessed you with today. To be totally satisfied by God is to see Him as more than satisfactory. Another key to this is to view every circumstance as an opportunity, and a blessing, not a curse. Our goal in those blessings and opportunities cannot be to please me, but to please the One from whom all blessings flow.

Romans 12:1-2

1 And so, dear brothers and sisters,* I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.*2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

The end of verse 2 hits me hard. God's will  for me is good, pleasing and perfect? That's right. To be content is to see it that way. If those words were the words of Paul's heart, he was a very content man. If we are truly content, and believe that God's will for us is really good, pleasing and perfect, then we will accomplish the rest of these two verses. If we are satisfied by God's perfect will then we will automatically become a living sacrificing. Being content is not only a state of the heart and mind, but the body. Being content will make us doers of the words that we hear. (James 1:22)

I challenge you. Be satisfied by Christ. Search for nothing outside of Him, because it will only leave you more empty than before. No trophy, no buzz, and no fifteen minutes with the opposite sex will make you feel the way Christ can. You will not be at peace with anything outside of Him. There will always be something missing. Fall in love with Jesus. Dance your life away as an offering to Him. Pour yourself out at His feet, leaving no more to be waisted on anything else. He is where you will find rest.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Matthew 6:28-30

28 "And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing,29 yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are.30 And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?"

This morning's Sunday School lesson was on Value. What we should value, and what we shouldn't value. We started in Matthew 6:19 and studied through the end of the chapter. In this passage, Jesus paints a perfect picture of what is important and what is not. We see in verses 28 through 30 that we put our faith where place value. When we count Christ as having high value, we seem to trust Him more, and worry less.

Things to count as nothing? We discussed that money, social status, and even food/clothing can take away from the way that view our God. We can become obsessed with these things, and can even unconsciously see them as god. We can worship these things by pouring our time/lives into them. This is no better than old testament idolatry.
What to value? Christ and the building of His Kingdom. Everything else fades. Money, cars, and dreams all break in a sense. Christ and His Kingdom do not. Good looks turn to wrinkles, and buzzes wear off. Jesus doesn't. This is why were are to focus totally on Him. Him effort, and every conversation should turn to Him. We should be working hard to build this thing Jesus calls "the Kingdom".
So what do you call important? Where do you spend your time, and what do you do there? Is it for Christ? If He has great value in your eyes it will be.
Think about it. Be honest with yourself. Where are your eyes set?
Take a look into Matthew 6:19-34.
Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Missing It

I love my little brother. He is one cool cat. There are moments that I would love to put him in a headlock, but we're brothers.

Last night we went to his baseball game. He rode with me on the way. The whole way there we blasted Mumford & Sons. He mumbled along trying to find the words as little boys do. I acted like a goober, and screamed to get a few giggles.

Once we got to the game, he was pumped. He loves to play. He started off playing pitcher. Now this is coach pitch, so he is an extra infielder. The first ball hit was right up the middle. He snagged the grounder and threw it to first base for the out. I smiled. After a few more plays, the ball came his way again. It was in the form of a fly ball this time. It went up, and he scampered to get under it. He works hard. He set up, got his glove in the air, and waited. The ball hit the ground beside him. He missed it. Everyone saw him miss it. He knew he missed it.

This happens to us a lot. Maybe not on an athletic field or in the realm of sports. But, sometime we just miss it. We have opportunities to make a right choice or a chance to succeed, and we miss it. We make a mistake, we mess up, and we look ridiculous. When was the last time you missed it? Are you missing it right now?

We are all going to miss it sometime or another. There is no doubt in that. But, how do we respond. Matthew got red in the face. He was embarrassed. But, he was also determined. He was determined to go back and make the next play. He put his big boy pants on, and did so. How are you handling this imperfect world, and your imperfect life? Are you pouting? Are you harping on the mistakes you've made, or even blaming them on others? Or, are you looking forward to the next play? We need to be praying for God's grace to give us a next play, not hoping it never comes so we don't mess up again.

The biggest question? Why are you on the field? Why does Matthew play? Why do you live? We need a reason to keep on playing, and living. We need something that tells us to get up and do it again. We need a purpose. Maybe this is the area where we've missed it the most. Our passion and purpose is to be Christ. Not me, my success, and my glory. Not that I may go pro, get a raise, or get back what I once had. Our drive is to be to honor God. That is why we were made. He is why we get up. So that it may glorify Him, when He picks up my pieces, and hits it where I have missed it.

Where are you missing it? How are you responding? Why will you try again?

It's never too late to glorify God. Let's get to it.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Love My Mom

Today is my Mom's birthday.

My Mother has been so good to me. We haven't always gotten along, but we've gotten through. She loves unconditionally, and always has my back. She is always positive, even when I want to be negative. It is good to know that I have a mom that prays for me daily.

I have a Mom that I can learn from. She is an example. She always has advice, and its usually good. She always has something to share, and she gives generously. She is full of passion, and she almost always acts on those passions. I'm thankful for a Mom that loves Jesus more than she loves me. I'm glad I have a Mother who loves me 'til the grave.

My Mother gives more than she takes. She thinks of others before she considers herself. She is a woman of true grace and peace.

Happy Birthday Mama. I love you.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Resurrection: The art of making life new.

CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND - APRIL 19:  Artist Tom de ...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
An artist. He moves his instrument across the canvas. Whether he sketches a waterfall or sends a vibration through the air to be called a note, he aims to please.

On the cross, Christ aimed to please. He aimed to paint a portrait. He aimed to play a melody. His aim was to make up for our catastrophe. He came to paint a perfect life. His feet the the brush, and His breath the beat, he illustrated the life that we could not meet, but had to.

His aim was to please, but not to please me. Though I was a member of the audience, His eyes gazed upward. I am pleased with biggie fries and a coke, so while I was 'still a sinner' I wouldn't know what do with an all-sufficient savior. The Father. That's who The Christ sought to impress, and to please to the highest degree, because we had not.

We had colored way outside the lines and not as cute little children. This map, this book would change eternity, and we missed it. We scribbled furiously, refusing guidance. Disregarding boundaries, and making a mockery of everything with beauty.

But, then came the new image. Though we were a disgrace, the Artist showed grace as He signed His name at the bottom of our page. Our mistake, He took the blame, and hung it in a crooked frame.

The Artist couldn't stop with this mediocrity. What artist would? In three days he turned this disgrace into a new face that started with heart. Twisting and turning, mixing and churning, the Artist pumped out a piece titled "The Returning".

I'm thankful for God's grace, today. He has shown me His grace in everyday. I pray that I live like He's alive in me. I could go on and on about the resurrection, but I'm just thankful that He took my place and did what I could never do. We are blessed to get to live in His resurrection with Him. He died, came back, and will never die again. I'm thankful for His portrait of love. He's alive.

It's All About Jesus!
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