Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Adam and Eve chose the Apple.
Kane chose jealousy and murder.
David chose pleasure.
Samson chose Delilah.
The Israelites chose the wilderness.

But ask them...

and they will tell you that Jesus is better.

Throughout  the bible and history, the human race has had to make a choice. As we have lived, temptations and options have been offered from the world. From an item of our worldly desire to a refusal to follow the road in  which we have been called, we have been called to choose.

We have been called to Christ. We have been called to salvation and to walk with Christ in submission. Loving Him, and serving Him. But, sometimes we choose wrong. We get cloudy minded. We fall into a slumber. We fall into sin.

We do this thinking that it will pay out. We do so thinking that the temporary and instant pleasure will be worth it, but also knowing that in the end it won't be. We look at all of our options, and weigh them out like we are looking at the dollar menu at McDonald's. But, when choosing anything other than Christ, we settle. It's like settling for McDonald's when you could be eating at Ruth's Chris. Jesus is Better.

Ask Peter. This man chose denial over Jesus. He refused to know Jesus to save himself from bodily harm. But, it made him miserable. But, by grace, Jesus came back to him. Jesus reiterated His call on Peter's life, and told him to feed His sheep. Peter did so. By grace, Peter built the early church. Though Peter faced persecution, and what Peter was called to do was tough, he did so with His joy in The Lord. Peter would tell you that Jesus is better.

What choices are you having to make? Have you already made the wrong choice? Are you leading a life of addiction? You may be refusing to follow God's calling. You may be looking for a way out. Just like Christ offered a way out to Peter, He is offering His grace to you. He is giving you an opportunity to choose Him. Don't wait. You may not have much more time. And even if you do, you don't want to waste it on anything other than Jesus. Why?

Jesus Is Better.

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