Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"That baby don't look like me"


Everyone needs to take it. Few actually show it. And, you have a choice in it.

Situations arise in life. Whether we make a mistake, someone else makes a mistake, or a freak accident takes place, opportunities to take responsibility for and within these situations lay around all over the place like clothes in a teenagers bedroom. 

Often enough, we are like a little boy who has the last at-bat of the game, while down one run and a runner on third, yet refuses to step up to the plate. We see the gold, the prize, or the problem but can't manage to muster up the intestinal fortitude to take responsibility.

I'm learning as I grow up that responsibility is a key component to what defines a man. A man's responsibility would be the bun if his character was a cheeseburger. It has to be consistent, persistent, and resilient. Never backing down when things get difficult, and letting others go first when things are easy. The captain never leaves the ship, right? Men, stick it out.

Ladies, your not off the hook. Responsibility is not just for the men. As the men, you have the responsibility of becoming exactly what Christ has called you to be. Don't settle for less than Christ has for you. You're beautiful, and precious to The King. You have the responsibility of being content with what you are given, and being satisfied in Christ. Don't sell out to the world. Don't settle for attracting BOYS with your legs. Don't settle for the typical girly-girl gossip and "I'm sexy" attitude. But, take responsibility, and become a Proverbs 31 woman. Take pride in being the Bride of Christ.

Jesus is a model. He took on responsibility even when it wasn't His. He was responsible and remained sinless. He was responsible and was crucified when we failed to show the same responsibility. You are now responsible to answer the call, and follow Christ. Follow Him with all of your heart, and every other responsibility, though it may be tough, will be taken care of. That "character cheeseburger" I mentioned earlier? The meat is Christ. Don't miss out on the  protein.

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