Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Enjoyable, and The "I'm gonna throw up" Feeling

Somethings in life should make us happy. Somethings in life should make us smile. Lots of things in life should cause us to laugh, and enjoy life. But, other things have an opposite effect.

This post is to encourage you to enjoy the things that God has made for you to enjoy. Enjoy good friends, enjoy good food, enjoy His word, and enjoy His creation. When we do this, let's enjoy Him. Let's enjoy all He has given us and turn back to Him the praise for it. God loves you, and has given you gifts to enjoy. Eat those things up. Bathe in God's grace to you.

But, because we love God, and praise Him for what He has done, we are to be disgusted with everything else outside of that. Our view of God defines our view of the world, sin, and everything that makes up who we are. If we have a big view of God, we see sin as serious and destructive. If we love God, we hate our sin. If we are running towards God, we are running away from everything else that is not headed in that direction.

Enjoy God, and cringe at everything outside of Him. We are in a battle. Life and death. We are supposed to be the outsiders of this world. The bible actually calls those who belong to Jesus foreigners of this land. Everything you post, say, do, and wear will be analyzed. Make sure you reflect Christ by enjoying Him, and pushing away everything else.

Remember that the King loves you, and live by His grace today.

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