Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Love My Mom

Today is my Mom's birthday.

My Mother has been so good to me. We haven't always gotten along, but we've gotten through. She loves unconditionally, and always has my back. She is always positive, even when I want to be negative. It is good to know that I have a mom that prays for me daily.

I have a Mom that I can learn from. She is an example. She always has advice, and its usually good. She always has something to share, and she gives generously. She is full of passion, and she almost always acts on those passions. I'm thankful for a Mom that loves Jesus more than she loves me. I'm glad I have a Mother who loves me 'til the grave.

My Mother gives more than she takes. She thinks of others before she considers herself. She is a woman of true grace and peace.

Happy Birthday Mama. I love you.

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