Monday, February 10, 2014

What's your favorite food?

Take a second.

Think of your favorite food.

What comes to mind? Is it spicy, sweet, salty, or combination of flavors? Are you a steak and potatoes person or did something from Panera come to mind? Why do you like this food and what first attracted you to try it?

Mine would be a Cajun filet biscuit with tomato and mayo from Bojangles. Oh, and don't forget the Mtn. Dew from the fountain. It may sound silly, but man, the combination of flavor gets me every time!
Now think about the blandest food on earth. What comes to mind? Maybe rice cakes or oatmeal. Wheat bread toast and white rice are two that would top my list of boring foods.

Now, you know I'm not a food blogger, so what is my point?

If your relationship with Jesus was a food what category would it go in? Would it be a favorite that you get excited over or is the equivalent of a rice cake? Have you grown bored with the same old same old or is everyday a new adventure for you in Christ Jesus?

I believe it is easy for us to grow bored. Or, sticking with food, it is easy for our relationship with Jesus to grow stale. There are few things that I hate more than biting into a stale Dorito. No excitement. Little spice. Maybe a good bit of sour.

So, how do we defeat this funk? How do you turn white rice into teriyaki chicken and fried rice?

Here are a few questions that I usually ask when I'm seeking to taste the sweetness of Christ:

1. How's my bible reading/prayer life?

Yep, back to the bible reading and prayer stuff. If I'm not in communication with Jesus then I will not experience sweet communion with Jesus.

2. Am I in my comfort zone?

I'm pretty boring and don't usually try new foods. But, my wife Taylor loves that excitement. She often tries new foods when we go out to eat. Maybe the reason our relationship with Jesus grows bland because we're comfortable. What if you stepped out and trusted Jesus? What if you began to give generously or share the gospel with friends? I bet that wouldn't be too boring.

3. How are my relationships others?

A difference between me and others causes a difference between me and Christ. Maybe the reason you and Jesus are cold is because you have been cold to someone else in your life.

These are just some thoughts.

All About JESUS!


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