Sunday, February 23, 2014

Jesus Is The Remedy

I wanna share some points from a sermon that made me realize that only Jesus can really heal pain and how Jesus is the remedy to pain and hurt. You see at the age of 15 I lost my dad. Now my dad was my hero, my rock, my support, so when he passed away I was devastated. But I was very angry at God for taking my dad from me and my family, because my dad was a preacher. I would question God like how could You take one of Your most faithful servants? Through that anger I wanted nothing to do with God. I stayed out of church for the longest time and ran from God for 5 years. During those 5 years all I wanted to do was heal the hurting and pain I was feeling. I tried alcohol for the longest time that never healed my heart. I then tried drugs that just made things a lot worse, then it was girls and that left me more broken. One night I was invited to revival so for some reason I went. Thinking I was gonna get nothing out of it, I sat there with a broken heart. The preacher preached on Mark 5 the man in the cave story. But he put a different twist on it he pointed out how bad that this man was hurting. In verse 5 we read about him cutting himself to ease the hurt and pain. The preacher made this point that we do the same thing we use stones such as alcohol, drugs, and even others to heal our pain. If you continue reading the story you'll learn that Jesus comes on the scene and things change. You see Jesus heals this mans hurt yeah he casted out the demons, but Jesus healed the hurt. Jesus makes this man a whole new creation that people didn't even recognize. So if you're hurting because of lost of a loved one, or whatever youre hurting from give it to Jesus. Nothing in this world can heal pain, only Jesus can. Jesus is the remedy to all hurt and pain. That's why He says "come to me all who are weary and heavy burdened." Because Jesus is the remedy.

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