Wednesday, April 11, 2012

To Those Struggling with Homosexuality, and Their Family Members

Love is not tolerating someones sin. But, Love includes passionately desiring a change of heart in someone who desperately needs it.

This blog isn't just for believers. I'm writing this with love for the lost. I'm writing this with a burden for those who are struggling with homosexuality and their families.

Tonight in class we had a discussion about homosexuality, our culture, and the fact that we as Christians need to make a stand for our beliefs. The conversation hit me pretty hard. We as the Church need to take action. We need to take a stand. That stand needs be on the word of God. We also need to take action by confronting our culture with love and truth. We need to take a personal interest in people. We need to build loving relationships, while at the same time confronting those around us with the truth of the Gospel.

To those who are struggling with homosexuality.....Know that you are loved by God. Know that He wants to adopt you into His family. He wants to set you free from the bondage of this sin, and every other. Know that I am actively praying for you tonight. It is 12:43am and I will not go to bed before lifting you up to God in prayer. I pray that you will have a collision with the grace of God, and that we will all grow closer to Christ.

Those who are close to or even family members to someone struggling with homosexuality, I'm also praying for/with you. The first question is, do you know Christ? And, if you do, are you being a missionary into your family member's life? I hope to partner with you in this.

Tonight my professor referenced a few websites that may help those struggling with this issue. They are listed below. I hope and pray that you visit them. I hope and pray that you seek Christ.

Also, here is a site I hope all you believers will visit, and take action. Vote by May 8th to save marriage. Tell your Pastor, and fellow believers so that we may keep the religious freedoms that we have.

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