Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Top 10

At the top of my blog it says, "A blog used for voicing biblical truths, personal opinions, and motivations."
Time for some opinions. My top 10.

Here is a list of the top 10 things that I enjoy...

  1. God-to-Man Companionship- Man. This is unexplainable. There is nothing like walking hand in hand with the King.
  2. Christian Fellowship- I love meeting with my brothers in Christ. Whether it's over breakfast or a football game, it's a blessing.
  3. Coffee and Breakfast food- I love coffee and breakfast food. I am a firm believer that they both can be consumed at any time of the day.
  4. Charleston, SC- The prettiest place on the planet. I miss it. I'm feeling a trip soon.
  5. Pictures- I love pictures. There is nothing like catching moments on film.
  6. Comfortable Shoes- Cleats, tennis shoes, or dress shoes. Look good, feel good, and do good.
  7. Chopping Wood- A stress reliever. Enough said.
  8. Bond Fires and Cold Weather- I love winter. I could live in Alaska.
  9. Writing- I like to blog, but I'd much rather be writing poetry. Yes, poetry.
  10. My Brothers- I have 3.

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