Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lose Everything

I have been reading two books at the same time. For me, this is quite difficult. I am not the brightest star in the sky, but God is using it. Along with daily bible reading, I am reading Radical by David Platt and Crazy Love by Francis Chan.

Both of these are challenging books. Though I have just begun reading, I have already been deeply convicted.

The biggest theme that has stuck out to me in both books is that Jesus is worth losing everything for. Both writers have written about the greed of the American Church, and how lazy we are when it comes to loving Christ.

I recently asked my Sunday School class if they were willing to get their tongues cut out for Christ. Is Jesus worth it to you? As you look at your life, are giving everything to Christ or living out the typical SBC bull. We have fallen into the trap of giving our possessions and comfort higher value than our relationship with God.

Jesus is worth much more.

If you don't want to settle, I recommend these books to you. Check them out!
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Watch This video by David Platt.

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