Monday, June 28, 2010

Who are you?

Many struggle with the question of, "Who am I?" for a lifetime.

Who are you?

Are you are an encourager? Are you a heart-breaker? Are you a complication? Are you a reflection of righteousness and purity?

Fact: The moments in a day, within your life, define you. The situations that you are in and the way you deal with them answer the question of your identity.

Are you a stumbling stone? Are you the dog with flees to lay with? Are you the son who brings tears to his mother's eyes? Are you the husband or wife that refuses to stay faithful? Are you the parent that is to busy? Are you the friend who brings a million distractions to the table? Are you a reflection of this world?


Are you the adult who stays after bible study to pray with a hurting youth? Are you the friend who gives a friend Godly advice, and then lives by it? Are you the parent who loves your child and shows them that with discipline? Are you the brother who escapes all selfishness and bails your sibling out of that terrible situation? Are you a reflection of Jesus?


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