Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back To School Bash @ DRM (Pictures)

This past Saturday was our youth group's Back to School event. The event was hosted by Damascus Road Ministries. DRM is a ministry to those struggling with addiction and is located in downtown Monroe, NC.

There were 3 or 4 youth groups represented and a total of around 45 people in attendance for the pizza eating, couch sitting, and Jesus worshipping event.

One part of the event was an open mic for any student who wanted to share. To my amazement, several students got up to the microphone to sing and encourage the other students.

After all the pizza and worship, we headed over to a local ice cream place called the Bus Stop Soda Shop. It was good, and I highly recommend the strawberry milk shake.

It was fun to see God move among the students, and it was a huge faith-booster for me to see this thing come together. I'm super thankful to work with the students that I do, and to have ministry friends like those at DRM!



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