Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Let's Get Wasted!

"Get Wasted. Do enough to get by. Meet that girl, and do that thing thing."

"Make the grade. Study all night. Do extra credit. Never stop brown nosing."

"Work hard. Be at every workout. Score the winning basket. Cut down the net."

"Be the best employee. Show up early, and leave late. Make up for others' mistakes. Smile, and nod."

"Trust Jesus. Keep the Faith. Make Him your everything."

You can waste your life doing all these things, except for one. Only one of these attitudes count. Only one of these mindsets matter. Four of them, all but one, are wastes.

Do you know? Don't give me Sunday School junk either. Be serious for a second. Look in the metaphorical mirror, and ask yourself, "Which of these, do I live like, lasts?"

So often, we shoot ourselves so much bull that we lose sight of who we really are. We live a life, but don't indentify ourselves as the one who is living that life. You know, "Well I believe.."

In life, we make investments. Some people make investments in land. They buy land, hope that it's "stock" goes up, then they sell it for more than they bought it. Some do this with cars, businesses, and education. But, with investments are risks. You risk losing what you spent, and making nothing more.

Where do you invest your life?

"Where you invest your love, you invest your life."- Mumford and Sons

Everyday, you make an investment. You invest your time. You invest your money. You invest your love. Every choice is a investment. You pour yourself into your job, your good time, and your academics. Those are investments.

Let me state this: You don't get your life back.

Parties, buzzes, and pleasures run out and end. No matter how smart you are, you will never know everything and someone will always know more. Trophies? Seasons end, and there is a whole new season.


Everything has limits. Everything is temporary. Everything fails. Everything is a waste... Except for Christ.

He is the beginning and the end. He has no limits, and never runs out. He is the best investment that you could ever make with your life.

If we really believe this, won't it change the way we live? Won't we put our stock in the promises of Christ, and not the ever-changing things of the world around us?

I'm not saying it's bad to study. I'm not making an argument against athletics. I'm not hating on money. But, the bible says that we are to hate all of these things IN COMPARISON to Jesus. Make good grades, make big plays, and make money, but not at the expense of your character and faith.

Never, ever compromise. Not at work, not during school, and not even in Christian community. Never settle for anything less than what counts. What counts is Christ.

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