Monday, March 28, 2011

Names of God: "F"



Father of Lights

Father of mercies

Father to the fatherless


Firstborn of creation









Saturday, March 26, 2011

Names of God: "E"

El Shaddai

El Elyon





Eternal God

Eternal life






There is no reason we shouldn't believe in the diety of Jesus, and there is no reason that we shouldn't live like Jesus is divine, if we believe the Bible.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Names of God: "D"

Defender and Defense


Desire of nations

Despised and rejected of men

Died and lives again




Dwelling Place

If you have been delivered, you will talk about the Deliverer. If you believe that He died and lives again, your life will scream that He lives in you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Names of God: "C"

Captain of the Lord’s host



Chief cornerstone

Chief shepherd



The Christ

Christ the power of God



Coming again







Consuming Fire



Cover for sin



Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Names of God: "B"

Balm of Gilead

Banner to the people


Before All Things


Beloved Son of God



Blessed Hope


Bread from heaven

Bread of Life


Bright morning star

Brightness of Glory of God



Monday, March 21, 2011

Names Of God: "A"

To know God, we have to know who He is. Over the next month or so, we are going to dive into the names of God. We will look at attributes and the foundation of who God is. Some days will be longer than others, and to get anything out of this, your going to have to read your bible a bit. You're going to have to research your God, and the names mentioned and listed below. A big part of knowing God, is chasing after His heart. Let's be partners in this effort...

Abba, Father






Adonai, Lord and Master








Ancient of Days






Author of Faith





Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Let's Get Wasted!

"Get Wasted. Do enough to get by. Meet that girl, and do that thing thing."

"Make the grade. Study all night. Do extra credit. Never stop brown nosing."

"Work hard. Be at every workout. Score the winning basket. Cut down the net."

"Be the best employee. Show up early, and leave late. Make up for others' mistakes. Smile, and nod."

"Trust Jesus. Keep the Faith. Make Him your everything."

You can waste your life doing all these things, except for one. Only one of these attitudes count. Only one of these mindsets matter. Four of them, all but one, are wastes.

Do you know? Don't give me Sunday School junk either. Be serious for a second. Look in the metaphorical mirror, and ask yourself, "Which of these, do I live like, lasts?"

So often, we shoot ourselves so much bull that we lose sight of who we really are. We live a life, but don't indentify ourselves as the one who is living that life. You know, "Well I believe.."

In life, we make investments. Some people make investments in land. They buy land, hope that it's "stock" goes up, then they sell it for more than they bought it. Some do this with cars, businesses, and education. But, with investments are risks. You risk losing what you spent, and making nothing more.

Where do you invest your life?

"Where you invest your love, you invest your life."- Mumford and Sons

Everyday, you make an investment. You invest your time. You invest your money. You invest your love. Every choice is a investment. You pour yourself into your job, your good time, and your academics. Those are investments.

Let me state this: You don't get your life back.

Parties, buzzes, and pleasures run out and end. No matter how smart you are, you will never know everything and someone will always know more. Trophies? Seasons end, and there is a whole new season.


Everything has limits. Everything is temporary. Everything fails. Everything is a waste... Except for Christ.

He is the beginning and the end. He has no limits, and never runs out. He is the best investment that you could ever make with your life.

If we really believe this, won't it change the way we live? Won't we put our stock in the promises of Christ, and not the ever-changing things of the world around us?

I'm not saying it's bad to study. I'm not making an argument against athletics. I'm not hating on money. But, the bible says that we are to hate all of these things IN COMPARISON to Jesus. Make good grades, make big plays, and make money, but not at the expense of your character and faith.

Never, ever compromise. Not at work, not during school, and not even in Christian community. Never settle for anything less than what counts. What counts is Christ.

Monday, March 14, 2011

New Hangout

Fact: Coffee is delicious.

Opinion: La Vida Mocha is a great place to get it.

I love coffee. I have had 5 If I go into work slightly ill, they assume that I haven't had my morning cup of coffee.

There is a small coffee shop right down the road from work called La Vida Mocha. They have great Butter Pecan Mochas. I have started to visit regularly and I really enjoy it. I have used my time there to blog, read, and I have also met a friend there a time or two. It's a new hangout for me.

I'm obviously not the only one who has recognized its quality. Every time I visit, there are quite a few people there.

A few weeks ago I blogged about being a missionary wherever you go. It is my job to show these people Jesus. Whether they see me reading my Bible, or over-hear a discipling session, they need to see me being Jesus. I have been called to engage them in conversation. I am called to tell them the Gospel.

Over the next few weeks, I will make an attempt to build relationships, and pray that God opens the door for evangelism. Pray with me that God will use this for His glory and His kingdom.

Where do you go? Are the people there changed by the way you love Christ? I encourage you to make an effort to engage the world around you for the glory of God. Don't take it as your break, or time off, because we can't afford to take time off from loving God and loving His children.

Go...and don't hesitate to grab a cup of coffee on your way.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Where I Live

There is a saying in North Carolina... "If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes."

The weather is constantly changing. Cold one day, and burning up the next. Pouring rain and thunderstorms usually turn to beautiful sunshine in the matter of minutes.

I love it. I like rain. I like the sun. I like the summer. I love the winter! I love where I live.

Life is like this. It is constantly changing. Things can seem cold and wet one second, but in a few minutes your life can seem like paradise. You can be sitting with your metaphorical feet in the sand, and one moment later your sailing on a stormy sea. That's life.

I must say, "I am ready for spring."

God is teaching me. I have been being stubborn. He's been trying to teach me that whether I am in a storm, or in the sunshine, He has me there for a reason. Things change, life is hard, and worry will wash you away if your not careful, but we must constantly stand in the Son's light.

We have to be content with where God has us. Remember, those who complain the most, do the least. Don't complain about the rain. It is going to weather your surface and make you smooth. Soak up the sun, but don't get comfortable and complacent, because the tide will turn and you want your shores to be ready.

When things are tough, look at the whole picture. You are blessed. In that storm, are some awesome sights and sounds. Search for the pretty sights and rejoice in them. Look at the bad, and say, "Lord, use it."

God has you where you are for a reason.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Decisions and Milestones

This is my 100th blog post. Wow.

My first post was at 6:59 pm on July 21st of 2009. I've blogged about everything from fire ants and coffee, to drugs and sex. We've walked through the book of Romans and I have told you lots of meaningless facts about my daily life.

100 seems to be what you call a milestone. A measuring point. A good place to stop and look. TV shows celebrate their 100th episodes and 100 yds. rushing is the definition of a good game for NFL running backs.

We are at 100.

In life you have milestones and decisions that get you to those milestones. Lots of things have changed since my first blog post, and decisions are a big part of that. To get any where, you've gotta get up and go there. And, you actually have to do something to do nothing.

Where do you want to be? What decisions are coming up that will determine your destination?

As believers, we do not escape decisions, but the decision to follow Christ affects every decision and defines the correct destination.

So, what is a right decision? How do we make that right decision? The key to successful decision making is not about being wise. It is not about analysis and calculation. Being right doesn't mean being "smart". Making right decisions is about being faithful. It is about being full of faith in a God who is Faithful. It is about doing the things that don't make since when God says to do them. Right decision making is dependent on our submission to the full and graceful sovereignty of God.

How good of a decision maker are you?

Making the right decision is usually not the same decision that others are making. The right decision will probably tell you to swim against the current. Right decision making requires us to put our big boy pants on and do things that matter. Make a tough decision and don't waver. Stand on the rock and refuse to be moved by anything other than the Holy Spirit(Luke 6:46-49).

I'm not a Bob Marley fan. No, not even a little bit. But, "Don't worry, be happy", is a decent motto. With a foundation like Christ, we don't have to stress about the future. Our faith and futures are in His hands. Leave heart attacks alone, and give every desire and thought of your heart to Jesus.

So, make decisions that bring glory to God. That defines a right decision, because that is what we were created to do. If that is not your purpose and mission, you need a heart check. Time to put our big boy pants on..

Keep Loving Jesus.

Monday, March 7, 2011



If you're a soccer fan, your heart just skipped a beat. If you're not a soccer fan, join the club. I played one season when I was little. I was awful. I've hated it ever since.

But, I do watch the world cup. I have been to Brazil. That's soccer. When a team scores, the broadcast crew lets you know. One of the analyst will shout, "Gooooooooooooooooooal." He is announcing that a team has achieved success.

Whether on the athletic field, in the business world, or in the classroom, success is desired.

I was talking with a friend this morning, and she said, "Sometimes I feel like a loser". She explained her situation as an effort to persuade me to feel the same.

We often look at our bank account, trophy case, and personal records to define our level of success. This is sad. This is wrong.

If our level of success is determined by what we have done, we've all come up way short. We have mistakes and we find ways to fail even when things seem to be going semi-well. But, there is hope for the believer.

A believer in Christ doesn't have to keep a personal score card. An awesome thing about following Jesus is that our success is defined by what Jesus has done, and what He will do in us.

Two awesome verses:

 "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”" -John 16:33

"And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns."- Philippians 1:6

Let's focus on Christ. Only things done in His name will last. Shouldn't we consider things that pass away as failures?

I am currently praying that Jesus will do things through me so that that fruit may last. Pray with me.