Thursday, January 27, 2011

You're Boring Me

I was recently I asked if I had any talents. My response? "No"

All in all, I am pretty boring. I do not have any distinctive hobbies or defining ablilities. I don't play instruments and I don't go sky diving. You will probably never see me on TV and I don't dream of being on the radio.

I love sitting at home. I love to hang out with friends, and I enjoy coffee. And, yes, I am a reader. There is nothing like sitting in a rocking chair. And, man, I love talking to people who were born over 60 years ago.

So, I am cleary no Indiana Jones. I am no hero. Everything that I dreamed to be as a little boy? I'm not that. I am not scoring touchdowns, I am not an astronaut, and I am not wooing the ladies. I'm not making lots of money, I am not driving a fancy car, and I've never rode a bull. I'm not what I always dreamed of being.

Am I okay with that? Most definitely.

Colossians 2:9-10

9 For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body.[a] 10 So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.

Our adventure is to be found in Christ. There is nothing like waking up everyday and living on faith. Christ called 12 men. He called them to walk with Him on the greatest action story ever recorded. They were not going to go into bars and start fights, or have the american dream, but they were called to be satisfied by the riches of Christ. Now, that is exciting.

I pray that my life be an adventure. To be honest, I am quite bored with the mediocrity of denominations and religion. I am bored with my own mediocrity. I am bored with walking by logistics and math equations. I'm bored with trusting in my gas tank, and not God, to get me that extra mile. What kind of life are we making for ourselves?

Who Are We?
  • Runner- Some of us are runners. You may be the kind of person who runs back and forth between situations looking for excitement. Often looking for adventure in all the wrong places. You try new jobs, new hobbies, and new relationships. Why not a new car, or a late night. You are constantly looking for a good time. "Where's the party at?"
          Runners struggle to find satisfaction. They're constantly hungry for something. Their appetite is often left unsettled. They do not feel complete. You may ask yourself, "Why does everything seem to feel so dull?" or, "Why doesn't anything ever go my way?"

  • Log- Some of us are like logs. We enjoy just laying around. Motionless. We don't see a need for adventure. I, being boring, find myself in this category often. We like rocking chairs. We like sitting at home, and we are okay with having little reaction with others. We are dull, and often think that we are smarter than we really are. We are often proud. We like to brag about our lack of calamity.
         The truth is, our calamity is just organized. Our minds struggle with the open time. We become weathered from staying in one place for so long. Our nothingness and boredom causes us to age and wear out. We often say, "there has to be something else", but we don't bother with looking.


Runners need to stop running for themselves. They want to be filled but find themselves at the wrong well. Go to Jesus. If you want to be excited, walk by faith. There is nothing like waiting in anticipation of what God will do next. We are to be complete in Him. Good times will fade, but the adventure with Christ is eternal.

Logs need to be moved. We need to have a sincere hunger for the Word of God so that we may be pushed into a journey full of life and excitement. We need to live out of inspiration from the Holy Spirit. When we get lazy we must push on and resemble a cross country star pushing towards the goal.


Do something different in the next ten days. But, don't do it to fill yourself up. Do something exciting for the Glory of Christ. Take a "risk" and tithe 20% instead of 10%. Push yourself to take a chance and share Jesus with someone. Step out into the waters and really walk by faith. Do not settle for less than what God has for you. Push for a life full of excitement in the name of Jesus. Leave everything and go on missions. Pay for an African Child's food for a month. Just do something, and do it in the name of Jesus. For the next ten days live it up..for Christ. It will be exciting, and you will want to make it a habit. Remember your days to impact the world for Christ are running thin...

"If we live, it's to honor the Lord. And if we die, it's to honor the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord."
-Romans 14:8-

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