Saturday, October 9, 2010

Trick Plays

I am having a good day. Had an 11 am breakfast. I cleaned my room. Spent lots of time with my lady. And, now I am watching the South Carolina vs. Alabama game. As I sit beside a man who loves the Gamecocks, Kenn Hucks, we watch the Gamecocks take a 14-3 lead with less than 2 minutes left in the 1st  Quarter. We are excited. South Carolina may have a real chance against the defending National Champions.

While marching down the field, USC used a trick play. The quarterback faked the hand off, and then he rolled out to the opposite side of the field. It was for a substantial gain and a... GAMECOCK FIRSTDOWN!

As happy as I was to see USC move the ball, I was also reminded of a destructive habit some us have made. We try faking our way through life. From situation to situation, we attempt to look like something that we are obviously not.

Whether it's to cover up a physical imperfection, or to cover up a mental mistake, we all like to have that special play up our sleeve. It seems that we get to a certain point of desperation and deceit becomes an option.

In football, fakes are acceptable. In life, they are not. Do not allow yourself to be fake. Walk in the truth. Walk with Jesus. He is the Truth.

Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.

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