Yesterday as I was running on the treadmill, I turned on my iPod and went straight to my "Jesus Culture" playlist. (btw, if you haven't checked them out, you definitely should!) I have loved this band since I became a Christ follower. And yesterday I finally realized why I love them so much. A side from the fact that their music is the best (seriously), I love this band because they understand that Jesus is to be celebrated. All the time. I was processing all of this in my mind while sweating to my death on the treadmill, and I just go into full out worship mode. Hands up, singing/panting the words out loud, so full of Jesus. I love that everyday Jesus teaches me something new.
"But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world."
1 John 4:4 (NLT)
I could read that over and over. Those words are so sweet on my lips. This makes me want to shout! Listen: YOU BELONG TO GOD! Creator of everything, He has no beginning and He has no end, yet He wants you. You are His! You are precious, you are valued, you are loved. And through Jesus' blood on the cross, and His resurrection three days later, WE HAVE WON THE VICTORY. Jesus snatched the keys to hell, death, and the grave from satan on that day.
If you play basketball and its the championship game and your team wins, what are you going to do? Celebrate! Well church, team Jesus has the victory over satan and hell! How much more awesome and worthy of our praise is that than the Super-bowl champs? LOADS!
Church, I want you to know that in joy and in sorrow we have a reason to celebrate Jesus. That is it. Jesus is so worthy of all of me and all of you. As a church I want us to become consumed with Jesus. I want us to celebrate Jesus in all we do, all the time. I want other people to remember Jesus, not myself. Lets sell out for our King!
If you feel like you don't know Jesus, but you can feel something, someone bigger than yourself tugging on your heart, thats Jesus my friend. And He desires you, He wants an intimate relationship with you. Don't worry, you don't have to "clean your act up" before you accept His call. Just go, run into His arms. You wont ever regret it and I promise you, you will be forever changed! Have a collision with God's grace and love today! Lets celebrate!
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