What up everybody? Some of you may know me, some may not. I'm Bradley Couick and I'm a friend and brother in Christ of Seth Springs and Chris Snead. I'm new to this whole following Jesus thing, so bear with me. I have a past a mile long, but a future that spans throughout eternity by the grace of God. Lord willing, in the future I'll be writing posts to encourage y'all out there to continue to run the race with endurance along with anything else that God lays on my heart to write. I just want to be a vessel that Christ can use to shed His light into others. I've tried things my way for 20 years of my life and that got me into some really sticky situations (I may mention some of them in the future on here, stay tuned..). Now, by His grace and His grace alone do I even consider living for Jesus. It's amazing to me how far He's brought me in just one year and 19 days of calling myself a "Follower of Jesus". I remember praying recently, "Lord, I'll follow you as long as you make this an adventure." The thing about that prayer is, HE ALREADY HAS!! Never did I think that I'd be back in school, studying the Bible on top of that! God definitely has a sense of humor...
I want to leave y'all with this thought/prayer from St. Richard of Chichester:
"To see Christ more clearly, love Him more dearly, and follow Him more nearly."
No matter what life throws at you or what the enemy throws at you, always remember that your sole purpose in life is to bring glory to Jesus Christ. It's all about Him.
Proud of you, Bradley!