Wednesday, February 26, 2014

We Are The Church Part 1

We are the church. We are the chosen people of God. Chosen to be used by Him to accomplish His will here on earth. 

Wow! Almighty God, creator of the cosmos (Phil Robertson voice), redeemer of the lost, and sustainer of the earth chose us (yes, you and me) to be His body. You and me being sinful, totally depraved, helpless human beings. That's mind-blowing! 1 Corinthians 12:27 reads, "Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it." Verses 28-30 show us that we're not all the same. God has gifted each of us to do different things to serve Him.

I want to stop right here. Read the last sentence in the last paragraph. Don't you think that the gift of salvation to spend an eternity with the Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer of the universe is enough? I do. I mean think about it, if you're saved by God's grace that means that there was once a point in your life when you were lost. Lost and on a one way road to an eternity in hell separated from the love of God. Let us stop and rejoice and as Taylor said in her post, "You Make Me Wanna Shout!", let's celebrate! 

God didn't stop here though, He didn't just give us the gift of salvation. He blessed us with spiritual gifts to be a blessing to others and to glorify Christ. And if you really think about it, every single thing in your life, whether possessions, emotions, family, food, shelter, natural abilities, how you look, anything and everything in your life is a gift from God. 

Not all gifts are spiritual gifts, however, in its simplest and purest form a spiritual gift is: "A God given gift through the Holy Spirit received at the point of salvation used to build up the body of believers and to glorify Christ."

I strongly urge each of you to find out what your spiritual gifts are. You may be wondering, "Well how in the world do I do that?" It's simple. You can ask other believers and they can help you get an understanding on what your gifts are; or you can take a survey online or from another resource to aid you in understanding what your gifts may be; but most importantly, you need to try out different areas of service. Wherever God uses you most, is most likely the area in which you possess your strongest gift.

Here's a list of some websites with spiritual gift surveys on them:

Prayerfully think about what your gifts could be and ask others to pray with you. I hope this helps and I urge you to come back and read part 2 that I should be posting later this week, Lord Willing. 

Also, here's something to think about when discovering your spiritual gifts, "You've got to step out to find out." 

And remember it ain't about you, me, or anyone else. 

It's #allaboutJESUS

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