Thursday, September 19, 2013

Call 4:1- September Recap (Video and Pictures)

CALL 4:1

September Recap

Call 4:1 is a monthly worship service for students from 6th grade through College. Call 4:1 is Student led. All students are welcome, and other youth groups are invited! Call 4:1 is held on the 3rd Sunday PM of every month from 7-8:30.
Our first Call 4:1 was Sept. 15th! I felt like it was a HUGE step in the right direction. It was awesome to see students come together for the cause of Christ. I'm super proud of all the students who made this Call 4:1 possible. It's encouraging to see students stepping up, and really taking on the responsibility of leading others in the way of Christ. I can't wait until next month! There were at least four different youth groups represented. Hope you will join us in October!
Check out the recap video and pictures below!


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