Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Brothers. I have them. I love them. We are all pretty close, and I like that. We all have different personalities, faults, and strengths, but we are still brothers.

I enjoy holidays. A holiday is more than just a day to us. These are the times that we all take a break from our busy schedules, come home, sit around, and just talk. From time to time a wrestling match, or "discussion" will break out, but we love it. They cover my back, as I do theirs. My brothers are important to me. I like that.

At the Last Supper, Jesus sat around the table with His disciples. They sat like brothers. They talked. They ate, as all brothers like to do. Jesus spent time with His disciples. He loved them.

Because Jesus loved them, He served them. Jesus is master. He is the example they, and we, are to follow. He led by serving. In John 13, Jesus calls His disciples together and does something remarkable. He commits an act that is outside of this world. He washes their feet.

I can't imagine that they were pretty feet. They were the feet of walkers. The were the feet of workers. They were the feet of harvesters. One by one, He washed. He didn't whine about the dirt under their toe nails, and he didn't complain about the smell. But, He washed. Jesus didn't wear latex gloves, or keep a bottle of hand sanitizer near by. But, He washed. He didn't worry about what others would think, and he didn't do it with selfish ambition. But, He washed. After He washed, He commanded us to wash. Not for me to wash my own, but for me to wash yours.

Lesson? We are to serve. If you care about someone, you will serve them.


I should not serve a brother with myself in mind. As we do it for those we love, we to do it for them. Don't serve your husband or wife and expect something in return. Don't serve your brother or sister so that they will cover your back when hard times come. When you serve others, serve them and not yourself. Obvious.

"Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet." - Jesus, John 13:14

Don't think that you are above it. If Jesus did it, we are not worthy enough to do it ourselves. But, He commanded it. And, it is our privilege to listen. Some of us think we are too good. That washing feet is below us. The Lord of Lords did it. The King of Kings did it. Are you above Him? No. Don't be foolish. John the Baptist even said that he was not worthy to untie the straps on Jesus' feet.

Who do you love? Are you serving them, or are you only concerned with being served? Real question. Do you have a real answer, or only excuses.

Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.

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