"But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God."
Acts 20:24 (NLT)
5 years can seem like a millennium or be gone in a flash. I don't know how I would describe the last 5 years of my life.
5 years ago, I was hooked on girls, drugs, and attention. Fooling around, obsessed with wearing $60 dollar jeans, and self-promotion pretty much summed up my life. 5 years ago, I was worried about if she was pregnant or if my book bag would get searched at school.

5 years ago, Jesus came and got me. This week marks 5 years since Jesus gave this tin-man a new heart, and turned my life into His life.
I can remember the morning like it was yesterday. It was cold. It was really cold. I'd been battling with the Holy Spirit for 2 years. I was miserable, and searching for an answer that I already knew. I knew that the best thing to do was turn to Christ. But, I didn't want to. I wanted to hold on to my life, and live it the way I wanted to. But, Jesus had other plans. I walked into church, Hermon Baptist, with a heavy heart. And, I walked out with a new one. When the altar call was given, I knew what had to take place. I had to quit fighting. I had to quit running. I looked at my girlfriend, knowing she was totally against it. I looked at my family, knowing some of them wouldn't believe it. But, it was time. Christ came and got me...then He drug me all the way to the altar.
I can honestly say that these past 5 years have been the best years of my life. It was scary, and still is. But, God walks with me daily. It is only by His grace that I'm still in the race. It's only by His grace that He called me. And, it's only by His grace if He chooses to use me. I'm thankful for all He has done and will continue to do.
I'm the chief of all sinners, and if God can use me, He can use anybody. You running? Your putting it off? Is God calling you to a new life in Him? What is your response? Maybe God is calling you to step up and be a leader in your church/youth group. Maybe God wants you to hold a bible study in your living room. Maybe God wants you to simply share the love of Jesus with a coworker tomorrow. Maybe He's calling you to be a missionary over seas, be a preacher, or mentor a new believer.
God has a calling on your life. Seek it first. I know you have your life planned out. I did too. But, Jesus has a better plan for you. God's will isn't always the easiest, but it is the best. Walk His way. Don't run from Him.
All glory to KING JESUS.