Thursday, December 27, 2012

Most Read Blog Posts From 2012

This year is coming to an end. Looking at my blog, I've noticed something: I don't blog as much as I once did. But, I look forward to blowing up your news feed with news posts in 2013.

In review, here are links to the 3 most read blog posts of 2013...

  1. To Those Struggling with Homosexuality, and Their Family Members:
  2. Loving Others When You Want to Punch Them In The Throat...:
    T3.  5 years ago...:
    T3. FOR US (Good Friday)...:

I hope you enjoyed 2012 at, and I look forward to posting in 2013!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Soaking Up Family Traditions On Christmas...

I love Christmas. But, I haven't always loved the family traditions.

I remember as a kid, just waiting for the presents, and hating everything that delayed opening them. We would eat. Boy, would we eat. Then came the old-folks talking for what seemed like ages. Then came the Christmas story. Then more old people talking, and usually some crying. We'd sing happy birthday to Jesus.Then finally... well, then they would talk some more. Then... THE PRESENTS. I hate to brag, but I think I'm the best present unwrapper ever. Just saying.

But, as I get older, I'm starting to cherish the tradition. I'm starting to enjoy the talking. I'm beginning to love my Grandmother reading the Christmas story. And, there may be a tear or seven running down my cheek. But, my favorite part? Singing happy birthday to Jesus. I know it may seem silly. I mean, as a kid, I would giggle through it. But, I love it. 15 or so people, young and old, just singing our hearts out to Jesus as we celebrate His birth. I look around and see my Grandparents, parents, and other family acting as if they were at a childhood friend's birthday party. That's my family. I'm thankful for them,

I'm thankful for my family. I'm starting to realize that they may not always be here. And, so as I soak the tradition up, I also soak them up. My MawMaw loves that Christmas story. My PawPaw loves teasing us grandchildren. My mom loves sharing a recent testimony. My aunts/uncles love to see all of us as their own sons and daughters. My brothers? They love giving me a hard time.

Soak the tradition up. But, soak up the ones you enjoy it with even more. They won't always be there, but cherish them while they are. Even the ones that get on your nerves. If they weren't there? It wouldn't be the same.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

5 years ago...


"But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God."

Acts 20:24 (NLT)

5 years can seem like a millennium or be gone in a flash. I don't know how I would describe the last 5 years of my life.

5 years ago, I was hooked on girls, drugs, and attention. Fooling around, obsessed with wearing $60 dollar jeans, and self-promotion pretty much summed up my life. 5 years ago, I was worried about if she was pregnant or if my book bag would get searched at school.
5 years ago, Jesus came and got me. This week marks 5 years since Jesus gave this tin-man a new heart, and turned my life into His life.
I can remember the morning like it was yesterday. It was cold. It was really cold. I'd been battling with the Holy Spirit for 2 years. I was miserable, and searching for an answer that I already knew. I knew that the best thing to do was turn to Christ. But, I didn't want to. I wanted to hold on to my life, and live it the way I wanted to. But, Jesus had other plans. I walked into church, Hermon Baptist, with a heavy heart. And, I walked out with a new one. When the altar call was given, I knew what had to take place. I had to quit fighting. I had to quit running. I looked at my girlfriend, knowing she was totally against it. I looked at my family, knowing some of them wouldn't believe it. But, it was time. Christ came and got me...then He drug me all the way to the altar.
I can honestly say that these past 5 years have been the best years of my life. It was scary, and still is. But, God walks with me daily. It is only by His grace that I'm still in the race. It's only by His grace that He called me. And, it's only by His grace if He chooses to use me. I'm thankful for all He has done and will continue to do.
I'm the chief of all sinners, and if God can use me, He can use anybody. You running? Your putting it off? Is God calling you to a new life in Him? What is your response? Maybe God is calling you to step up and be a leader in your church/youth group. Maybe God wants you to hold a bible study in your living room. Maybe God wants you to simply share the love of Jesus with a coworker tomorrow. Maybe He's calling you to be a missionary over seas, be a preacher, or mentor a new believer.
God has a calling on your life. Seek it first. I know you have your life planned out. I did too. But, Jesus has a better plan for you. God's will isn't always the easiest, but it is the best. Walk His way. Don't run from Him.
All glory to KING JESUS.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Loving Others When You Want to Punch Them In The Throat...

Yes, I said it. There are times when I want to punch people in the throat. You caught me.
But, as a Christian, it would be best for me to do otherwise. Christ has called me to more than that, and my Christian witness would probably be ruined by the witness of my fist left on their jugular.

"Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters."
Heb 13:1 (NLT)
I have brothers. We argue. We fight. We have thrown pillows, shoes, and tantrums of every sort. We have bloodied noses. And, one brother even knocked a tooth of mine out of my mouth and across the living room. But, you let someone make fun of me. You let someone try to intimidate me, and my brothers will come to the rescue. That is love.
Today, I wanted to punch a someone in the throat. They insulted me. They took a bite of french fry, and then threw the crumbs into my face. Boy, I wanted to hand her about 10 karate chops. But, I couldn't. Not because she was bigger than me. Not because I was scared. But, because I knew the spiritual repercussions. I would have darkened the name of Christ in her mind forever. She gave me a chance to respond in anger, but, by responding in grace, a door to witness was left open. She may never apologize. She may never get saved. But, a lack of love on my part won't be the reason.
Before punching someone in the throat remember whats at stake. People's hearts and thoughts about Christ are on the line. What will they see if you go off on them like a spider monkey? Not Christ. Will you have to fight your anger to keep your witness? Yes. Will you have to swallow your pride? Yes. But, what if God uses the grace that you use to open their heart for His grace?
Remember who you are, and who's you are, before punching someone in the throat.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Chan on how the church is and what it the bible says it should be...

What is the church supposed to be? What are we supposed to be doing? What is to be our passion? Is Jesus the center of it all? Are we willing to change and move forward? Are we more concerned with our pride and tradition or people and Jesus?
Watch this helpful video. It's long, but good. Show your church leaders.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Pouring It All Out...

"Then Mary took a twelve-ounce jar of expensive perfume made from essence of nard, and she anointed Jesus’ feet with it, wiping his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance."
John 12:3 (NLT)
Mary wasn't rich, and perfume wasn't cheap. But, for some reason she chose to pour out the bottle on the feet of Jesus, so much that the house was full of its fragrance.
Jesus Is Worthy.
So often we value our lives as Mary's critics valued the perfume. Judas clinched his fist at Mary. He could have sold the perfume and served the poor, or even better, served himself. "Mary could have used it on herself", some of the local women may have said. Why waste such a fragrance of the feet of man? They did not understand. They did get that Mary wasn't only pouring out her perfume, but she was pouring out her life in front of Jesus in gratitude. She took hold of His grace, and let it flow into every part of her life. This was her worship.
Are we worshiping this freely? Are we this thankful? Are we willing to pour it all out for Christ?
If we pour out our lives for the cause of Christ, I trust that He is faithful to fill us back up. He is faithful to fill us with an awe for Him. He will fill us up with a joy that overflows into the lives of others. He will fill us up with a satisfaction in Him that points to a life free of searching for fulfillment. He will fill us up with His grace. And, we are to pour it all out in service for Him again. This is how we are to worship.
So, where are you pouring your life?
Your life is going to a cause, but is it a worthy one? Many pour their days into xbox, studying, or a job that pulls them away from their family. Many pour their lives into their child's little league baseball career. Some have fallen into the trap of wasting away their lives by searching for attention and approval from their friends and coworkers.
But, only One is worthy of our lives, and His name is Jesus. How will you spend your life today?