Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Wealth of Poverty

"Such is the fate of all who are greedy for money; it robs them of life." Proverbs 1:19

Forget everything else, chase that dollar, and lose your life.

A big issue in this world is that we have a jacked up definition of "Life". So many today see life as something that you earn or buy. They see it as a piece of merchandise or something with a price tag. If you do, you are most likely saying "I don't do that" right now.

Its hard not too view life this way. Everywhere we look there is an advertisement. The majority of us have always heard that we should do more and work harder so that we can make much and have more. Don't mistake me. Money isn't bad. It's not wrong to work. But, it is wrong to allow your job to work you. It is wrong for your money to make you.

What is life?


"Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying."
John 11:25 (NLT)

Money isn't the problem. Greed is. Money being your life is the issue. Making money your God, and unconsciously or consciously prioritizing money over Jesus is the issue.

The fact that the Word says if you make money your life, you're gonna lose it should be warning enough. The thing that gets me is that money isn't worthy of all of our attention. Why worship something that we have to make? Why serve something that can run out? Money is man-made. God is the I AM. He wasn't created. He is CREATOR. Money can run out, and you can go broke. Jesus is eternal. He is now and forever. And, unlike money, Jesus is satisfying. You don't come up needing more. With Jesus you have all need.

Those Jet-ski's? Their good and fun. But, you can't ride them into eternity.

Don't be "all about da money." Be "ALL ABOUT JESUS!"

1 comment:

  1. A few years ago when I finally grew out my phase that had me believing that the coolest thing about a person was there car, I made up a premise that I try to live by....A car is a way to work...not a reason to work! I drive a 13 yr old car that is paid for...it is clean and nice...but I don't work to make the payments on it!
