Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Proof to the World.

"So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples."
John 13:34-35 (NLT)

We tell the world that our God loves them. They want proof. We are called to be the proof.

Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost. He came to find, and heal the sick. He came searching for those who are needy. He came to die for the world because of His love.

As believers, we seem to talk a big talk. We answer the Sunday school questions, and we know John 3:16 by heart. But, my question is, do we live it? Do we live the answers to the questions about God? Do we live out the love that we talk about in the 3rd chapter of John?

I think the world is tired of us talking. They are tired of our Christian t-shirts being the only Christian things about us. Yes, if you love them, they may push you away. When I was lost, a man chose to love me. I hated him. I wanted him to leave me alone. I even thought about burning his house down. But, he kept loving me. And, eventually his walk, not his talk, showed me Jesus.

I would also say that if you don't share it, you probably don't have it. The love of God is not something that can be contained. It is not a light that can be snuffed out. Don't be selfish. If you are loved by God, which you are, be a filter. The question is not if you are loved by God. The question is if you have accepted that love, and letting it flow through you. If God's love is water, we are called to be a spout.


Who has God put in your path to love? Who have you been passing by that needs to know Jesus?

Love them. Take them out to lunch, or simply smile and ask them how things are going. Give them a complement, say God bless, or offer to babysit for that single mom. The options are countless. God has given us so many ways to act out the love that He has given us. By showing this Christ-like love, you will have an opportunity to share the Gospel. Don't forget the Gospel of Christ. Sharing it is one of the most loving things you can do, and it cannot be forgotten.

Love today. Be the proof of God's love.



  1. I love this site and I continually try to get the word out about it! I continue to try to walk in HIS light without casting a shadow. What a great feeling to know...no longer am I fighting the fight alone. Thank you Jesus...for the Love!

  2. Hey Seth...change out the blue font..its hard to read!

  3. Christiana says hello, and she likes the Blog!
