"I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and
heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be
troubled or afraid."
John 14:27 (NLT)
BOOM! CRASH! zing... SmAsH! crunch. BAM!! smoooosh...
Those are the sounds of what the world gives. Business, worry, calamity fill our mind. There is so much to do, and there is so little time. There is loss in every pocket. And, the buildings in our hearts fall to the ground. This is what the world has to offer. This is what you'll get. And, those sounds will be the sounds that echo from your life.
those things are not what Jesus gives. Though with Christ, everything isn't always peaches and cream, you can expect faithfulness. You can expect wholeness. And, you can expect a consistent peace.
The disciples were about to see their Lord leave. They were about to see the man they had given their lives to die a brutal death. But, Jesus said not to worry.
Many times in life we face discouraging circumstances. We will see what seems to be all of our hope die, much like what the disciples were about to see. But, God knows what is on the other side of that circumstance and gives us a gift of peace to endure that circumstance. Jesus knew that it would be tough. But, He also knew that He would rise from the dead three days later.
Whatever hole you are in, and whatever doubt you are facing, know that you are not alone. Christ, Lord of all creation, is with you. Christ, Lord of all creation, has a plan. Christ, Lord of all creation, is in control.
So, don't worry. Instead, grasp on to the truth of Christ. Take hold of the peace that only Christ can give. Don't run out into the world looking to "drink your fill" or get a quick fix. There is only one fix, there is only one Prince of Peace, and His name is Jesus.
"All About JESUS!"