Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Gift That the World Cannot Give

 "I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid."
John 14:27 (NLT)

BOOM! CRASH! zing... SmAsH! crunch. BAM!! smoooosh...

Those are the sounds of what the world gives. Business, worry, calamity fill our mind. There is so much to do, and there is so little time. There is loss in every pocket. And, the buildings in our hearts fall to the ground. This is what the world has to offer. This is what you'll get. And, those sounds will be the sounds that echo from your life.

 those things are not what Jesus gives. Though with Christ, everything isn't always peaches and cream, you can expect faithfulness. You can expect wholeness. And, you can expect a consistent peace.

The disciples were about to see their Lord leave. They were about to see the man they had given their lives to die a brutal death. But, Jesus said not to worry.

Many times in life we face discouraging circumstances. We will see what seems to be all of our hope die, much like what the disciples were about to see. But, God knows what is on the other side of that circumstance and gives us a gift of peace to endure that circumstance. Jesus knew that it would be tough. But, He also knew that He would rise from the dead three days later.

Whatever hole you are in, and whatever doubt you are facing, know that you are not alone. Christ, Lord of all creation, is with you. Christ, Lord of all creation, has a plan. Christ, Lord of all creation, is in control.

So, don't worry. Instead, grasp on to the truth of Christ. Take hold of the peace that only Christ can give. Don't run out into the world looking to "drink your fill" or get a quick fix. There is only one fix, there is only one Prince of Peace, and His name is Jesus.

"All About JESUS!"

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nebraska coach takes stand for Faith, and against homosexuality.

I just read this artile on

Proud that we have brothers all over who are taking a stand. This guy is using a God-given position to spread the God inspired Word. Thankful.

Check it out by clicking the link, and remember that our faith demands a stand. No stand means no faith.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Proof to the World.

"So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples."
John 13:34-35 (NLT)

We tell the world that our God loves them. They want proof. We are called to be the proof.

Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost. He came to find, and heal the sick. He came searching for those who are needy. He came to die for the world because of His love.

As believers, we seem to talk a big talk. We answer the Sunday school questions, and we know John 3:16 by heart. But, my question is, do we live it? Do we live the answers to the questions about God? Do we live out the love that we talk about in the 3rd chapter of John?

I think the world is tired of us talking. They are tired of our Christian t-shirts being the only Christian things about us. Yes, if you love them, they may push you away. When I was lost, a man chose to love me. I hated him. I wanted him to leave me alone. I even thought about burning his house down. But, he kept loving me. And, eventually his walk, not his talk, showed me Jesus.

I would also say that if you don't share it, you probably don't have it. The love of God is not something that can be contained. It is not a light that can be snuffed out. Don't be selfish. If you are loved by God, which you are, be a filter. The question is not if you are loved by God. The question is if you have accepted that love, and letting it flow through you. If God's love is water, we are called to be a spout.


Who has God put in your path to love? Who have you been passing by that needs to know Jesus?

Love them. Take them out to lunch, or simply smile and ask them how things are going. Give them a complement, say God bless, or offer to babysit for that single mom. The options are countless. God has given us so many ways to act out the love that He has given us. By showing this Christ-like love, you will have an opportunity to share the Gospel. Don't forget the Gospel of Christ. Sharing it is one of the most loving things you can do, and it cannot be forgotten.

Love today. Be the proof of God's love.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Running to Safety.

"The name of the LORD is a strong fortress;
the godly run to him and are safe."
Proverbs 18:10 (NLT)

This isn't a blog to make you happy. I've never blogged on 13 ways to be prosperous, or six reasons Jesus wants you to be rich.

Life is tough. Turning your life over to Jesus doesn't make every problem or struggle disappear. Anyone who tells you that it will is a liar, and preaches to please man, and not God.

Christianity is not following God so that you can be rich. Following Jesus does not come with being on the mountain top %100 of the time. But, that is the joy of Christianity. It is knowing that when you are in the valley, the One who made that valley is in it with you.

It is a joy to know that, as a believer, we don't walk the road alone. We no longer fight our fights, and we always have a home.

Have you ever been insulted or heart-broken? I have. And, it's awesome to know that when we are in  that situation, we have somewhere to run.

As a kid I would often play at the neighbors house across the road. There were several kids over there so we would all get together and find ways to drive their mom crazy. I remember one time, when I was real young, we got in an argument. It was probably over who was playing with which action figure or something else super important. I got upset, and my feelings were hurt. The big baby I was, I dropped all I had with me and ran home. I felt safe, and it was a getaway from the fight. As believers, we have somewhere to run. Not to our house. Not to our spouse/family members. But, to our daddy in heaven. In His arms, and to His embrace can we run.

What's weighing your heart down? Go to your room, shut the door, and get on your knees. Get away from all distractions, and run to your daddy in prayer. Pour out your heart, confess your sin, and trust that God is in control. Give it all up. Quit fighting. Let Christ fight for you. This requires letting the walls around your heart fall. This means breaking your pride. And, it may include you admitting the wrong you have done. But, it also includes peace. It includes a Light. It includes an escape. It includes a Hope. His name is Jesus.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

That Is Enough For Me

  Jesus replied, "Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life."

John 4:13-14(NLT)

Jesus was talking to a thirsty woman. She needed water. But, she was also thirsty for much more. She was thirsty for joy. She was thirsty for a life worth living. She was thirsty was a satisfying relationship. She was thirsty for more than an ordinary drinking well could offer.

Jesus then offered something that would fulfill her need. It would quench her thirst. He called it living water. It would give her true life. What was this living water?


We see throughout all of scripture that true life's definition is Jesus. He is referred to as The Bread of Life, and The Resurrection and The Life. We see that this woman sought life in other places than this well. She went from relationship to relationship seeking fulfillment. She knew some about religion, but that also did her no good. The one thing she was lacking was Jesus. That is why we see her broken and thirsty. Jesus is the only one who can fill the gaping hole in our hearts.

I've had a lot, done a lot, and seen a lot. But, none of it even comes close to my Jesus. From popularity and pride to sex and alcohol nothing satisfied me. But, then I met Christ. He washed away my past, and now holds my future. I went from thinking I had friends to having a true friend. I went from empty fellowship to fellowship with the King Himself.

So drink The Living Water, and live for Christ. Sure, people with laugh. Sure, you will be insulted. Yes, your trophies will need to be laid down. All of this has happened and, by God's grace, it will continue to happen. So called "friends" will be lost, jokes will be made, and the road will look lonely. But, it's all worth it. Christ will satisfy.

It may seem like I have lost the world, and indeed I have, but a life spent in The King's courts is good enough for me. My past has been washed away, and my future rests in the hands of The Almighty. That is good enough for me. My thirst has been quenched, and my life has been bought in blood. That is good enough for me. Thankful that Christ is my friend. Fellowship with The King is enough for me.

Are you thirsty? Are you continually searching for satisfaction?
Drink of Christ, and be satisfied. Everything else is worthless.


I have posted this song before. It is one of my favorites. The fact that Jesus is enough reminded me of it. Let it bless you.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Reality Check!



There are different realities that we must face in life. How we face these realities are in direct correlation with who we are. I am about to give you 3 reality checks. Who are you, and how will you face them?

1.You Will Die.

Unless you are taken up in the rapture (believers only) with Jesus before hand, you will die. This is reality. Your days are numbered.

I remember when I was about 14. I had no thoughts about dying. I was invincible in my mind. I was bullet proof. I lived with no regrets. But, also with no purpose. It was all about me, and I had no sense of urgency for things that mattered. I had no idea that one day I was going to die, so I lived as if I had forever to accomplish things. Knowing little, and doing nothing. I was wrong. I will die. So will you.

 It is time that we come to this realization. This isn't a call to fear, but a call to faith. This is a reality, and we will face it whether we want too or not. Ask the man in the casket.

2. You Must Choose to Live.

Just because you will die doesn't mean you have lived. That slash between your date of birth and date of death can be just a slash. Life isn't a default. Life is a choice. You have to make that slash between the dates on your gravestone mean something.

So what does choosing to live mean? It means not going through the motions. It means having a purpose bigger than yourself. It means leaning on the tree on Mount Calvary. It means not being satisfied with the words "only", "just", "decent", or "okay." It means living with a passion.

Make the choice. The choice to live has a lot to do with the last reality.
John Piper wrote a book titled "Don't Waste Your Life." Read it.

3. Jesus Is Life.

You choose to live by following Jesus. You choose to live by chasing after life.

Reality is anything outside of Jesus is death. Anyone outside of Christ is dead. Signs of true life are not heart beats, or jumping from planes. A true sign of life is passionately celebrating the life of Christ. A true sign of life is fleshing out your faith. James, the brother of Jesus, said for us to be doers of the word. (James 1:22) That is living life. Live Jesus!


Are you being realistic? Do you know Jesus?

It is time.

"All About Jesus"


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hot Wings and Jesus

I love chicken wings! Really, I do.

Me feasting on some "Jammin' Jalapeno" wings from Buffalo Wild Wings.

Tuesday Nights have been dubbed "wing night" at several local places. I love it. Great wings, and decent prices.

 There is something that most of these venues have in common: TV's! (I enjoy them too, just ask Taylor) On most of these TV's are games. The biggest games of the night are being shown to this packed out restaurant. Most of the people come with jerseys on which signifies the fact that they are most likely sports fans. They call the boys up, throw their Derrick Rose threads on, and get to eating. As a huge sports fan I kinda see it as a celebration. You celebrate your friends, the food, and your sports teams. At any given moment one section of the place is prone to erupt because a made basket or missed field goal. I love it!

We see Levi (Matthew) call some of his boys up to celebrate like this in Luke 5. They all probably strapped on their "Jerusalem cruisers" and headed right over to their buddies house for a feast. When they got their they realized that it wasn't about "Bethlehem barbecue" or the latest gladiator battle. They were there to celebrate Jesus. The bible says that Levi invited Jesus as the "Guest of Honor." Levi was being all about Jesus.

Now, this isn't to bash get-togethers or sports. You can see me enjoying myself in the picture above! But, what if we celebrated Jesus like we do the other things that we love? What if we invited friends over, started relationships, or just lived life in general with the specific purpose of celebrating Jesus?

1. Joy would abound.
 I leave the wing place "full".... My stomach and my heart. If we were full of Christ, wouldn't it be that much better?

2. Relationships would be strengthened.
These times will bring you closer to fellow believers. I know when I jump up and down with the boys we're screaming together. Won't it be the same for those who are "rooting for" Christ?

3. New relationships will be made.
People will see your excitement. They will want to be on winning team too. It's probable that the guys Levi invited were lost. Also, just like sports fans, you will have your doubters. Don't be discouraged. Jesus and Levi had plenty of those.

And, by the way, doesn't Jesus deserve more attention and celebration than sports teams or food? The bible says so. He is THE KING, not Lebron James.

To be ALL ABOUT JESUS, we must celebrate Jesus.

To Those Struggling with Homosexuality, and Their Family Members

Love is not tolerating someones sin. But, Love includes passionately desiring a change of heart in someone who desperately needs it.

This blog isn't just for believers. I'm writing this with love for the lost. I'm writing this with a burden for those who are struggling with homosexuality and their families.

Tonight in class we had a discussion about homosexuality, our culture, and the fact that we as Christians need to make a stand for our beliefs. The conversation hit me pretty hard. We as the Church need to take action. We need to take a stand. That stand needs be on the word of God. We also need to take action by confronting our culture with love and truth. We need to take a personal interest in people. We need to build loving relationships, while at the same time confronting those around us with the truth of the Gospel.

To those who are struggling with homosexuality.....Know that you are loved by God. Know that He wants to adopt you into His family. He wants to set you free from the bondage of this sin, and every other. Know that I am actively praying for you tonight. It is 12:43am and I will not go to bed before lifting you up to God in prayer. I pray that you will have a collision with the grace of God, and that we will all grow closer to Christ.

Those who are close to or even family members to someone struggling with homosexuality, I'm also praying for/with you. The first question is, do you know Christ? And, if you do, are you being a missionary into your family member's life? I hope to partner with you in this.

Tonight my professor referenced a few websites that may help those struggling with this issue. They are listed below. I hope and pray that you visit them. I hope and pray that you seek Christ.

Also, here is a site I hope all you believers will visit, and take action. Vote by May 8th to save marriage. Tell your Pastor, and fellow believers so that we may keep the religious freedoms that we have.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Wealth of Poverty

"Such is the fate of all who are greedy for money; it robs them of life." Proverbs 1:19

Forget everything else, chase that dollar, and lose your life.

A big issue in this world is that we have a jacked up definition of "Life". So many today see life as something that you earn or buy. They see it as a piece of merchandise or something with a price tag. If you do, you are most likely saying "I don't do that" right now.

Its hard not too view life this way. Everywhere we look there is an advertisement. The majority of us have always heard that we should do more and work harder so that we can make much and have more. Don't mistake me. Money isn't bad. It's not wrong to work. But, it is wrong to allow your job to work you. It is wrong for your money to make you.

What is life?


"Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying."
John 11:25 (NLT)

Money isn't the problem. Greed is. Money being your life is the issue. Making money your God, and unconsciously or consciously prioritizing money over Jesus is the issue.

The fact that the Word says if you make money your life, you're gonna lose it should be warning enough. The thing that gets me is that money isn't worthy of all of our attention. Why worship something that we have to make? Why serve something that can run out? Money is man-made. God is the I AM. He wasn't created. He is CREATOR. Money can run out, and you can go broke. Jesus is eternal. He is now and forever. And, unlike money, Jesus is satisfying. You don't come up needing more. With Jesus you have all need.

Those Jet-ski's? Their good and fun. But, you can't ride them into eternity.

Don't be "all about da money." Be "ALL ABOUT JESUS!"

Saturday, April 7, 2012

In The Tomb (Waiting)

"45 The officer confirmed that Jesus was dead, so Pilate told Joseph he could have the body.46 Joseph bought a long sheet of linen cloth. Then he took Jesus' body down from the cross, wrapped it in the cloth, and laid it in a tomb that had been carved out of the rock. Then he rolled a stone in front of the entrance."
Mark 15:45-46(NLT)

You've got to believe that some of the Christians thought is was all over when He was pronounced dead.
You've got to know that there was doubt in the minds of some disciples when HE breathed His last.
There had to be disappointment in John the beloved's heart when he saw them take Him off of the cross.
Mary had reason to question when she saw them roll the stone in front of His tomb.

So many times in life I have thought that it was over. So many times I have faithlessly looked at life's circumstances and saw no sign of hope. I can only imagine how Jesus' followers felt when seeing Him die. The man who they had believed in seemed to be done. They had never thought that this day would actually come. They had seen Him feed 5,000+. They saw Him raise Lazarus. Jesus, dead? Could it be true? Was it all over?



The time between His death and resurrection must have been the loneliest time of most of the disciples lives. But, it wasn't over. He did die. But, He wouldn't stay dead. We must remember that, In Christ, it is never over. We must have it written in our hearts that we, as believers, have a living Savior living in us! Though it seemed to be over for Jesus, it wasn't! Three days later He would ARISE!

Believer, remember that it is never over for those who find their hope in Christ. No matter how lonely, dark, or disappointing your path may seem, you have a Light walking the tunnel WITH you. No matter how far away you think you are, Christ is close. Christ is alive. Christ is forever.


Friday, April 6, 2012

FOR US (Good Friday)

 "But He was pierced for our rebellion,
crushed for our sins.
He was beaten so we could be whole.
He was whipped so we could be healed."
Isaiah 53:5 (NLT)

Last night I sat and watched  The Passion of The Christ. With me was Taylor, my girlfriend, and Matthew, my 9 yr old little brother. This movie is what it is called, passionate.

Jesus passionately prayed in the garden as He sweat bullets of blood.
Jesus compassionately placed the soldiers ear back where it belonged.
Jesus passionately sought after His Father's will.
Jesus passionately took being beaten with rods.
Jesus passionately took being whipped with whips of glass and rock.
Jesus walked passionate steps as He carried our cross to Calvary.
Jesus died a passionate death as He poured out His life and was nailed to that tree.

But, what struck me this most?


This wasn't just a movie. These were real events. Jesus was a real man, who was also God. He was really beaten. Real nails went through His real hands. And, yes, His real body arose from a real grave.....

and it was all for us!

That's the glory of the Gospel. The God of the universe sending His Son for our rescue. His Son paying our ransom. Its universal in the fact that He died for all, but its personal in the fact that He died just for you. Each whip, nail, and drop of blood was for you. What should have been us, was Him. He took our place.

For Him?

Realizing this must make us think. We must go further than teary eyes and a tossed stomach. Remembering Christ's cross and suffering confronts us with the question: Do we know Jesus personally? Have we given up our old life and are we living THE NEW LIFE with Jesus? Is our old life dead, on the cross, and have we been resurrected with Jesus?