There is a saying in North Carolina... "If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes."
The weather is constantly changing. Cold one day, and burning up the next. Pouring rain and thunderstorms usually turn to beautiful sunshine in the matter of minutes.
I love it. I like rain. I like the sun. I like the summer. I love the winter! I love where I live.
Life is like this. It is constantly changing. Things can seem cold and wet one second, but in a few minutes your life can seem like paradise. You can be sitting with your metaphorical feet in the sand, and one moment later your sailing on a stormy sea. That's life.
I must say, "I am ready for spring."
God is teaching me. I have been being stubborn. He's been trying to teach me that whether I am in a storm, or in the sunshine, He has me there for a reason. Things change, life is hard, and worry will wash you away if your not careful, but we must constantly stand in the Son's light.
We have to be content with where God has us. Remember, those who complain the most, do the least. Don't complain about the rain. It is going to weather your surface and make you smooth. Soak up the sun, but don't get comfortable and complacent, because the tide will turn and you want your shores to be ready.
When things are tough, look at the whole picture. You are blessed. In that storm, are some awesome sights and sounds. Search for the pretty sights and rejoice in them. Look at the bad, and say, "Lord, use it."
God has you where you are for a reason.
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