My first post was at 6:59 pm on July 21st of 2009. I've blogged about everything from fire ants and coffee, to drugs and sex. We've walked through the book of Romans and I have told you lots of meaningless facts about my daily life.
100 seems to be what you call a milestone. A measuring point. A good place to stop and look. TV shows celebrate their 100th episodes and 100 yds. rushing is the definition of a good game for NFL running backs.
We are at 100.
In life you have milestones and decisions that get you to those milestones. Lots of things have changed since my first blog post, and decisions are a big part of that. To get any where, you've gotta get up and go there. And, you actually have to do something to do nothing.
Where do you want to be? What decisions are coming up that will determine your destination?
As believers, we do not escape decisions, but the decision to follow Christ affects every decision and defines the correct destination.
So, what is a right decision? How do we make that right decision? The key to successful decision making is not about being wise. It is not about analysis and calculation. Being right doesn't mean being "smart". Making right decisions is about being faithful. It is about being full of faith in a God who is Faithful. It is about doing the things that don't make since when God says to do them. Right decision making is dependent on our submission to the full and graceful sovereignty of God.
How good of a decision maker are you?
Making the right decision is usually not the same decision that others are making. The right decision will probably tell you to swim against the current. Right decision making requires us to put our big boy pants on and do things that matter. Make a tough decision and don't waver. Stand on the rock and refuse to be moved by anything other than the Holy Spirit(Luke 6:46-49).
I'm not a Bob Marley fan. No, not even a little bit. But, "Don't worry, be happy", is a decent motto. With a foundation like Christ, we don't have to stress about the future. Our faith and futures are in His hands. Leave heart attacks alone, and give every desire and thought of your heart to Jesus.
So, make decisions that bring glory to God. That defines a right decision, because that is what we were created to do. If that is not your purpose and mission, you need a heart check. Time to put our big boy pants on..
Keep Loving Jesus.
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