Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Take Joy Where? (Thanksgiving)

Well, it's that time of the year. Thanksgiving is next week. The holidays are officially here. It will be Taylor and I's first holiday season as a married couple. I love my wife, I am thankful for her, and I excited about being with our family as a family.

Thanksgiving is a neat holiday to me. We set this time of the year apart from the rest of the year to be thankful which is kind of weird. I hope that we really exhibit an attitude of thankfulness year-round.

Thankfulness is easy at times and not so easy at others. This week I was to tempted to have one of those others. My truck has been acting up. Tuesday morning was a breaking point for me. I had to be at a local school pretty early. I went out to get in my truck to leave and it started having some issues. It caused me to run late. I loathe running late. I wanted to kick, spit, and cuss. I was on my way and began to pitch a little hissy fit to God. And, then, like a hammer on my heart, God hit me with Philippians 4:4...

Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!
Phil 4:4 (NLT)

So often we want to place our joy in things other than the Lord. That morning I wanted to place it in my truck running well. That sounds silly. But, I allowed my joy to depend on my truck. Maybe its not your vehicle. Maybe its your relationship with your parents, children, spouse, or some boy/girl. Maybe your joy depends on your bank account or how things go at work/school.

I would like to remind you that Paul wrote Philippians 4 while being in jail for worshipping Jesus. He had all the reason in the world to be in the dumps. But, he chose to be joyful. Not in his freedom. Not in his status. Not in his living arrangements. But, Apostle Paul's joy depended on Jesus. So should ours.

Our family situations change. People let us down. Things, like trucks and cars, break. Finances can hit a wall. We live in a changing and inconsistent world. But, as Christians, we belong to an unchanging and consistent Jesus. He doesn't walk out. He doesn't leave. He doesn't break. He can handle anything and everything we throw at Him.

This Thanksgiving, and every other day of the year, I challenge you to place your joy in Jesus. Let your thankfulness depend on Him, not your circumstances. He can handle it. Take joy in belonging to Jesus.



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