Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Make An Impact: Not Just Your Pastor's Job

Responsibility. This is a huge word that most people don't like. They dread this word. They substitute other words for this word. They run from this word: Responsibility.

Myth: It is your pastor's, or youth pastor's, responsibility to reach your lost family or friends.

This lie has crept into the church and settled among believers. The responsibility of the church, true believers, has been shifted to the leadership of the church. This is dangerous, and unhealthy. It is unbiblical, and ineffective. The church is not our mission field. The church is to be a training center for missionaries. Are you taking the responsibility to reach your lost friends with Christ? Or, are you spiritually irresponsible with the grace that God has given YOU?

A big part of this is the size of the impact that will be made. Your pastor does not have the same influence among your friends that you do. They don't know your pastor like they know you. Your pastor probably doesn't work alongside them like you do. Your pastor probably doesn't have the same opportunity to reach them as you do. God gave you the friends that He did so that you, an insider, could take the love of Christ inside of your little circle to them. That is where our responsibility as friends and family members lies. There are huge opportunities for you to make an impact for the Kingdom of God. It starts with those closest to you.

PASTOR: Train your people to be missionaries.

CHURCH: Don't put the responsibility of sharing Jesus with those closest to you on someone else. Do you love them? Share Jesus with them.

How serious do you take Jesus, and how much do you love those around you? 

Friday, January 25, 2013

What does Jesus have to do with the music I listen to?

I recently heard the Newsboys in concert. At one point they told why they played Christian music. The reasoning?

"Sometimes the only way to a kid's heart is through their headphones."
I'm a youth pastor. I know the struggle between secular and Christian music. And, I know that this post will probably get lots of "pshhhhhh" or "whatevs". But, I totally agree with the Newsboys, and I'm thankful for bands like them.
This is not a post where I write 151 reasons to burn down your nearest secular radio station. But, I would like to encourage you to examine what you are allowing to enter your heart through your headphones.
First off, you need to know where I'm coming from on this. I like secular music. Nothing gets me pumped for a workout or a run like some Eminem. But, when I came to Christ, He didn't just give me a pass into heaven. What He did was become Lord, which literally means "Master" or "Owner" like in slave times. When I gave my life to Jesus, I didn't just give Him my heart. I gave Him my life. My rights. My money. My relationships. And, yes, even my preference in music.
Sometimes, I think we are slow to grasp the impact of what we see and hear has on us. Everything that surrounds us is going to invade us. The things that we see make an imprint on our minds. This explains the damage done by porn. It robs and abuses your mind. So much, that when guys watch it, it changes the way that they see the women around them. The same goes for music. Music changes the way we think. When someone says, "No worries", I immediately begin to hum the tune of "Hakuna Matata" from The Lion King soundtrack. Why do people post lyrics on twitter? Because, they are tied to an emotion or thought. What we see and what we hear goes farther than the surface. It goes to the heart.
My life verse is John 3:30.
"He must increase, and I must decrease."
The He is Jesus, and the I was John the Baptist, but now it's got to be me. From this I see that my Christian life has to become more and more about Jesus. I am to be "All About Jesus".
Question: Does the music you listen to make you more like Jesus or more like the world?
If the music we listen to really does go heart deep, then it changes who we are. The heart is the water spout of our lives. What goes on in our hearts determines what goes on in our lives. As a Christian, are you feeding yourself with music that looks the opposite of Jesus? If so, you are poisoning your walk with Jesus.
A few months ago I had a youth come to me and talk about the music on his ipod. He had paid all kinds on money in filling up his ipod with junk. But, in following Jesus, he realized the harsh affect that it was having on his heart and in his life. What'd he do? Deleted everything in his ipod that didn't point him back to Jesus. Instead of worshipping his music, or the money he had already spent on the music, he decided that it was time to part ways with something that was damaging his walk with Christ.
Question: What on your ipod needs to be deleted? What is on your ipod that doesn't strengthen your walk with Christ?
You love music? Good news. Unlike 15 years ago, there is some solid Christian music that we don't have to be completely embarrassed by. Some solid artists have taken a stand and started producing music that can help produce good fruit in us. Below I'll put some songs/bands that are worth taking a look at.
Rap? Yea, there is even something for you guys. I used to think Christian rap was soooo cheesy. But, there are some guys putting out some solid stuff. I have often heard that people just listen to some music because of the beat. You no longer have that excuse. If that is the real reason, then check out some of these artists' beats. Don't sacrifice your heart in order to hear a good beat. It's dumb, and you don't have to.
Some of My Favorite Artists/Bands:
  •  Newsboys
  • Phil Wickham
  • Lecrae
  • Tripp Lee
  • Gungor
  • Matt Maher
  • The City Harmonic
  • Kutless
  • Matt Redman
  • Kristian Stanfill
  • Seventh Day Slumber
  • Sidewalk Prophets
  • Andy Mineo
  • Matt Papa
  • NewSong
  • Ascend The Hill

Some videos for ya...



Monday, January 21, 2013

Why Should I Have A Daily Quiet Time with Jesus?

What happens if a growing boy doesn't eat? Though he may make it without the "ewwy" broccoli, he won't grow very tall. His muscles won't develop into those of a G.I. Joe. If he doesn't get the nutrients he needs, his body will shrivel, and eventually just stop.

The same can be said for believers who don't "eat" enough of God's word: the Bible.

4 But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say,‘People do not live by bread alone,but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’
Matt 4:4 (NLT)
I often talk with believers who struggle to keep a consistent time of prayer and bible reading. Heck, I struggled for years to develop a habit of spending time with Christ. But, my daily "quiet time" has become essential to my spiritual walk. I can now tell a huge difference between the flow of days in which I do read my bible and the ones that I don't.

Why Read My Bible and Pray Everyday?

I remember a cute little song that one of my Sunday School teachers taught me growing up that went something like this...
"...Read your bible, pray everyday, and you'll groW, grOW, GROW!..."
It's cute, and it's RIGHT! If we have a true desire to groW, grOW, GROW! then we will begin the process of spending time with Jesus every day.
RELATIONSHIP is also a HUGE word when it comes to having a quiet time. If I want to build a good relationship with someone I don't ignore and neglect them. But, I spend time with them. We hangout. We talk. We'll probably catch a cup of coffee together, or maybe shoot some hoops. It's no different from our walk with Jesus. It's said that Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship. I wholeheartedly agree. But, it's up to us to enhance that relationship, and we do that by spending time with Jesus.

How Do I Read My Bible and Pray Everyday?

Listen Dude, spending time with Jesus isn't nearly as hard as we make it out to be. There isn't a cookie-cutter system. Here are a few answered questions and tips:
  • When am I supposed to have my quiet time? Jesus doesn't have office hours. You will never call on Him and get His secretary. Jesus's door is always open to talk. Take advantage of this. I usually sit down and have my quiet time first thing in the morning. My bible and prayer time usually goes with a cup of coffee. But, that's because that's what works for me. You can meet with Jesus anytime. When you wake up, or before you go to sleep. Maybe you leave lunch a little early, and find a place to check into your bible for a few minutes. Make time for Jesus, anytime.
  • I just haven't had time... Bologna. You make time for other things. People have time to do what they want to do. Like I said, Jesus's door is always open. You may just have to spend less time on facebook, texting little Susie, or cut off SportsCenter for a few minutes in the morning.
  • Where do I start? I used to say the gospel of John, but my mind has changed. Really, it doesn't matter. But, my suggestion is always Romans. Martin Luther called Romans the purest Gospel. It doesn't get much better than that. The book of Romans is basically Apostle Paul writing down the basics of our Christian Faith.
  •  There are just so many distractions, my brother listens to the TV really loud... Be wise. Get away. Go somewhere quiet. Take a prayer walk through the woods. Read your bible while laying on the trampoline. Or, this is a crazy thought, go in your room and shut the door...
But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.
Matt 6:6 (NLT)

Reading the bible is a privilege. I mean, we actually get to hear God speak. Praying is a privilege. We have the opportunity to approach God in grace! Take advantage of this. The Creator of the universe wants to sit down and talk with YOU!
I hope this has helped in some way. If you have any thoughts, questions, or suggestions don't hesitate to leave a comment.
Here are some other thoughts or resources that may help...
  • Try the YouVersion bible app. www.youversion.com They have reading plans and an accessible app where you can read anytime. Most students use this electric version of the bible in our bible studies.
  • A good devotional to supplement your bible reading is usually helpful. But, be careful not to lay down the Bible in favor of a devotional. Here is Johhny Hunt talking about the devotional that I'm actually using now. It's great. You can find it on amazon for a decent price.



Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Letter to YOU!

Hey you! Yes, you.

I want you to know something today. If you are in Christ, YOU ARE NEW!
"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"
2 Corinthians 5:17(NLT)
You've messed up? You lived a jacked up life for years? You haven't been the greatest friend? Maybe, you've lied or lusted. Maybe you used to be a gossip. In Christ, you are forgiven. Yep, I said it...FORGIVEN.
When you enter Christ, God the Father doesn't see you and your jacked up life anymore. He sees JESUS! How huge is that? It's HUGE!
"For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ."
2 Corinthians 5:21(NLT)
So, if you are FORGIVEN, if you are really NEW, live like who you are would live. Catch that? Live like the person who God has made you. He has made you into a new creation. You, in Christ, are not a pervert. You are a pure child of the Living God. Live purely. You, in Christ, are not a liar anymore. You are a product of the Truth. Walk in truth. You, in Christ, are no longer a mess up. You have been made into a masterpiece. Let your life be the swipe of God's paint brush.

"He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them."
2 Cor 5:15 (NLT)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Train Tracks

I recently moved into a home in Marshville, NC. Yep, the home of Randy Travis. The last few weeks have been hectic. From starting work at a new church, to packing and moving, to having the satellite dude come this week, these past few weeks have been a big adjustment.


I must say, I’m loving it. The busyness has been fun. But, there have been some weird, different, and even scary parts. I’m from the country, and I grew up about 15 minutes from the nearest city limit sign. Not anymore. I live in town now. And, if you are in town in Marshville, you can hear the train moving down the tracks several times a day…and night. That scared me at first. When I first thought about it I said, “Oh, poop.” But, once I got moved in, my mind changed. I heard the train, and instead of referring to poop, I said, “Man, that’s cool.” I am loving this train. When it wakes me up at 2am? I don’t clinch my teeth. I smile. It’s just the train…


Following Christ can be this way. When we stand on the outside of following Jesus we may think, “Oh, poop.” But, when you’re on the inside? You wouldn’t rather be anywhere else. Yep, even when things feel as inconvenient as hearing a train pass at 2am. You may think of the hiccups and missed opportunities when first seeing if this Jesus thing is for real. I know. I put off following Jesus for 2 or 3 years because of what it might cost me. Now, as a Christ-follower, I couldn’t imagine myself following anyone else. Are there rough patches? You better believe it. But, those speed-bumps aren’t because Jesus led me down the wrong path. I’m experiencing that bump in  the road because I’m imperfect, and I live in an imperfect world. Following Jesus is like living beside the train tracks. And, I’m falling in love with sound of that ole train.


But, I need to be careful. I love the sound of that train now, because it’s new and different. What happens after I’ve been here for a few weeks, months, or years. It could lose it’s romance. I could get so used to hearing the sound that it doesn’t even catch my attention. Or, it’s repetitiveness could grow to irritate me. I think the same can happen to following Jesus…


Sometimes when we finally crossover to following Jesus, we lose our love after a while. Loving others doesn’t come so easy. Reading our bible doesn’t seem so exciting. And, meeting with the church? Those people can start to get on your nerves.


So, what do you do? Well, I don’t want to stop hearing that Train, so I’m going to keep listening for it. I’m going to take note of it’s passing. In my silliness, I may throw up a wave. Will I do the same for Jesus? Will I continue to keep an eye out for His beauty? Will I listen for His calling and encourage? Will you? Don’t fall out of love with Jesus.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Always The Right Answer...

I have never been a super student. Especially not in math. I remember taking a math quiz in the 7th grade like it was yesterday. Pre-Algebra was almost the death of me. But, this specific quiz was handed out, and I felt like I was looking at a different language. It was like my teacher said, "Let me blow your mind!" I didn't even know where to start. The only space for an answer that I could fill was one that said "Name:_________".

Sometimes we feel this way in our Christian walk. We are faced with a problem, or a temptation, and we have no idea how to answer. The answers are almost always more complex than saying yes or no. Each question has larger implications than that. There is a grade to come. Maybe the grade is the approval of our friends. No one wants to be a loser. Maybe the grade is financial status. Nobody wants to be broke or have to give up going out to dinner every night of the week. Maybe the grade is the fulfillment of a pleasure, dream, or addiction. We all have things we want.

But, Jesus showed us how to get an A. In Matthew 3 and 4, we read about Jesus being tempted. Jesus was in a situation and He had to make a choice. He had to bubble in an answer. It was test time. Satan threw out all kind of temptation. He tempted Him with power, and false fulfillment. But, how would Jesus answer?


With every question and temptation, Jesus answered back with some truth from the BIBLE. Jesus would take the Word, and say, "Here Satan, put that in your oven and cook it!"

This is an awesome example for us. If we want to answer the questions of life correctly and pass the only test that matters, we need to be rooted in the bible. We need to be able to answer our sin with biblical truth. When we do this, we find a way out of the situation and ace the test. When we have questions of doubt, we are to look back at scripture and know that God will provide.

3 Disciplines to Help You Answer With Scripture:

Read Scripture:
How will we answer sin with scripture if we don't even look at the word? Make a point to read your bible daily. Start with a 5 minute devotion. Get alone with Jesus. Pray and read. The gospel of John and the Book of Romans are good places to start.

Remember Scripture:
OOOOOH, this one is scary. Actually memorize scripture? Yes. You're not always going to have your bible with you. You're not always going to be surrounded with "Super Christians". You may last a little while walking with Jesus and not having some scripture memorized, but not for long. He gives us His word for a reason. Have the words of it written on your heart. We are in a spiritual war. Be ready to fight.

Really Believe Scripture:
If you don't REALLY believe the bible then you're wasting your time. Don't just read it. Read it and know that it is the inspired word of God, and He cannot lie. And, don't read it like some story book. Read it like a passionate love letter. Read it like He really means what He is saying. Take God's word seriously. Not like Goldy Locks and the three little pigs, or whatever. Also, if you REALLY believe it, you will begin to live it. If you believe your pants are on fire, then you will act like your pants on fire. If you believe God's word is true, you will see it's truth becoming true in the things that you do.

Here are a few Scriptures that help me answer temptation and doubt:

  • Galatians 2:20
  • John 3:30
  • John 3:16-17
  • Romans 1:8
  • Romans 3:23
  • Romans 6:23
  • James 1:21

All About Jesus.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Different Place, Same Calling

"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

1 Corinthians 10:31 (NLT)
There is common misconception in today's world concerning the way we follow and serve Jesus: My circumstances or placement in life should determine the way I serve Christ.
The truth is that whatever we do, or wherever do it, it should all be for the glory of God.
The last few weeks have been an exciting time in my life. They have been full of change. I've made a move from serving at one church to another. I'll soon be moving homes. We've been trying to throw some  arrangements for furniture together. And, in all of this, Taylor and I plan and look forward to getting married in April. This has been going on throughout the holidays and all of it's fun. So, it's easy to say that we've had a lot going on.
But, the Lord gave me some encouragement today. In all of the business, I have asked myself, "What are we gonna do?". Questions concerning what I'll teach, how we will approach certain situations, and financial needs have raced through my mind. But, this morning God gave me a word. Wherever I go, I have one purpose for living: To Glorify Jesus.
I need to plan to glorify Jesus. I need to prepare in such a way that in every situation I enter Jesus will be glorified. I need to set myself up for success in the area of pointing to Jesus, and that is in every area. Prayer is a HUGE part of this. If I do not pray that Jesus be given glory through my life, then I will not be properly equipped to do so. He is my source. He is my power. I can't get so caught up in doing that I forget why and for whom I'm doing all this for.
I need to focus on glorifying Jesus. Not me. Not a study. Not a program. Not a bill. And, not some drama. If I'm going to live a life that glorifies Jesus, I need to focus on JESUS. If I'm focused on everything else then that is what I will glorify. To glorify means to highlight or to lift up. If we are going to highlight Jesus, we have to focus the swipe of our pens, which are our lives, across the name of Jesus.
Remember, wherever you go or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of Jesus. Don't make excuses. Don't search for cooler things or more excitement. Search for Jesus. He is our purpose for living.
All About Jesus.