Thursday, August 19, 2010

Where He Would Be...

Last night, I went to bed at 2:00 am. Way past my bed time. But before then, I took a trip. A friend, Jon Law, and myself hopped in the car and rode into Louisville. We then stopped on Bardstown Road. It could be Bars-town Road and be understood. Up and down the street, even on a Wednesday night, people were in line to enter a bar. Sitting on benches were men and women who have never seen the inside of a church. Homosexual after homosexual, we saw.

You say, "Seth, why would you go there? What about living above reproach?"

Those people need Jesus. They don't need your religion. They don't your classic comb-over or shirt and tie. They don't need new evangelism techniques or the Awana and Upwards programs. They don't need you to ridicule them. The men don't need the latest gay joke, and the girls don't need you to call them trashy for their lack of clothing. What they need, however, is Jesus.

They need someone to love them. They need someone to care enough to introduce The Lord of the universe to them. Not religion, and not good ole' Southern Baptist tradition. They need Jesus.

I asked myself a question last night. "Would Jesus be in the church with the religious folks, or on the streets with those who are not too proud?"

I think, Jesus would rather be ministering to the prostitutes and homosexuals, than sitting in church and talking about how bad this world is. The world is bad. But Jesus laid down his crown in heaven and entered this bad world. He came for sinners. He came for us, and he came for the de-churched.

Quit being so proud. Quit being so religious. Love Jesus, and love his.

Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.

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