Sunday, August 29, 2010

Decisions and Soldiers

When young men and women sign up with the military, they have made a decision. They have decided to pack up, leave home, and when the battle cries, they will answer. There is no going back. There is no highway option.

Christianity is the same way.

Luke 9:62 "But Jesus told him, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.”

But, within this battle you have to make decisions. When it comes to running the race with endurance, you have to make choices. 

What influences your decisions, Soldier? Is it home? Is it where you came from? No. It can't be.

When it comes to making decisions on the battle field it ultimately comes down to one thing. What would your commander have you do?

What are you going through? What choices are you having to make? Don't allow anything to sway you from The Way. Put your head down, and make the choice that will ultimately glorify Christ. God's will? Glorifying Jesus is God's will.

Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Where He Would Be...

Last night, I went to bed at 2:00 am. Way past my bed time. But before then, I took a trip. A friend, Jon Law, and myself hopped in the car and rode into Louisville. We then stopped on Bardstown Road. It could be Bars-town Road and be understood. Up and down the street, even on a Wednesday night, people were in line to enter a bar. Sitting on benches were men and women who have never seen the inside of a church. Homosexual after homosexual, we saw.

You say, "Seth, why would you go there? What about living above reproach?"

Those people need Jesus. They don't need your religion. They don't your classic comb-over or shirt and tie. They don't need new evangelism techniques or the Awana and Upwards programs. They don't need you to ridicule them. The men don't need the latest gay joke, and the girls don't need you to call them trashy for their lack of clothing. What they need, however, is Jesus.

They need someone to love them. They need someone to care enough to introduce The Lord of the universe to them. Not religion, and not good ole' Southern Baptist tradition. They need Jesus.

I asked myself a question last night. "Would Jesus be in the church with the religious folks, or on the streets with those who are not too proud?"

I think, Jesus would rather be ministering to the prostitutes and homosexuals, than sitting in church and talking about how bad this world is. The world is bad. But Jesus laid down his crown in heaven and entered this bad world. He came for sinners. He came for us, and he came for the de-churched.

Quit being so proud. Quit being so religious. Love Jesus, and love his.

Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Definition of Cool

Cold? No. Chill? Maybe.

There are many definitions of the word cool. You may think that the night breeze is cool? Or you may think that the guy down the street with a cheerleader girlfriend, and a nice car is cool.

What is your definition of cool (I don't mean a breeze)? What makes you think that someone is cool? Their shoes? Maybe their haircut? Probably their personality. Probably their financial status. And probably their view on a certain topic.

Piercings. A lot of people think that piercings are cool. Maybe their nose. It is rare if a 16 yr. old girl doesn't have an earring. All kinds of people have holes drilled into their faces and bodies, and think that it is cool.

I know a guy that had piercings. It was done in a fashion that makes me cringe, but he did it. His feet were pierced. That wasn't enough though. His hands were pierced. And finally his side was pierced. Some people look at the guy and don't understand his reasoning. Why? The world needed a man to be pierced. As time went on, his piercings led to his death. Why? The world needed a man to die.

"5 But he was pierced for our rebellion,
crushed for our sins.
He was beaten so we could be whole.
He was whipped so we could be healed."
-Isaiah 53:5

We sinned. NOT COOL. Christ took our punishment, gaining nail pierced hands, and has the power to forgive us of our debts. VERY COOL. Someone had to take it. But even in that need, we could not fulfill it. See, we are sinful, and saying "God, here is my life with all my junk, crucify me", was not enough. The sacrifice and the payment had to be spotless and clean. We are not. Our sin is like dirty rags before the Father, He cannot stand the sight of it. As we walked in our sin, we were already walking in our death.

Jesus was blameless. Being the Son of God, he came to earth. Laying down his crown, walking this earth for 33 years and living a sinless life, he picked up our cross and died a criminal's(our) death.

Very Cool.

Society's definition of cool is not cool at all. It sets you up thinking that you need new shoes, lots of sex, and expensive jeans. Society is WRONG.

Jesus is the definition of cool. To be cool, you need him. If you do not have Jesus, you are not "cool" with The Father, and you have failed.

Obviously, I am not speaking of social status. I am talking about your relational status with Jesus. If you do not have Jesus, you are empty of everything full and full of everything empty!

You social status will change. You will need new clothes. The bottle will run dry. Is sin cool? Only if the definition of cool includes your eternal destination being hell.

Quit trying to be cool for this world. Be cool IN Jesus. That means to believe and repent. Have you?

Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.
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Monday, August 9, 2010

Soaking in Worthlessness

Convenience store's french fries cooking tool....Image via Wikipedia
Today has been a good day. I got some studying done, ate a rally burger, and threw french fries to Eli (1 yr. old) in his car seat.

Something else happened today. It wasn't good. It was actually very foolish. I saw a fight. No, not karate or MMA, but a screaming across the parking lot, out of control, infuriated fight.

In a convenient store parking lot, two guys exchanged words, and began to go after each other angrily. The dispute came to a close when a store employee began to call the police.

This was chaos and anger. It was stupid. Through all the fist swinging and dropping of "F-Bombs", nothing was accomplished. It didn't stop there though.

Both men left, one with a little blood on his forehead, but both angry. There tires would squeal and they made their trucks sound like race cars. Wherever they were going, they had something in common. They would be bitter.

They would sit and think about the mess they had been apart of , and still be apart of it at heart. They grit their teeth while mumbling hateful words. They would soak in this worthlessness.

See, they were angry. They acted in this anger. They accomplished nothing in this act and probably can't remember what even started the fight. The entire event can be summed up as worthless. But, thats not enough. They take their sin home. They soak in it. Being overwhelmed by anger, they become pickled in their sin. They carry it around as a reminder, taking hatred in with every breathe. Hating each other, and loving a dispute that amounts to nothing. Sitting, and soaking in worthlessness.

My point? Think. Next time you want to act in anger, don't. Next time you want to carry this chaos with you, lay it down. Its worthless. Let things go. Accomplish something.

Why? If your a believer, it should be obvious. The entire purpose of your existence is to glorify Christ. The story that I just told you does nothing but glorify and expose stupidity. Exercise self-control. Its a fruit of the spirit for good reason. Be gentle, kind, and loving.

When you act on your emotion, does it glorify Jesus or make you look like a joke?

Don't soak in this worthlessness. Soak in love and forgiveness. Are you a christian? Look like Jesus. Love Him and love His. He forgave, you forgive.

Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.
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Thursday, August 5, 2010


I started to re-read a book today. This book is a challenging one. No, its not by Dave Ramsey. This book is a life changing one. No, its not by Max Lacado.

It is the biblical book of James. This book is the 20th new testament book. This book was written by James who happens to be the half brother of Jesus.

The reason this book is so challenging is not because James wrote it. The reason this book is so challenging has everything to do with who James knew. You get it? The book is not the way it is because of who James was, but because of who James knew. James knew Christ.

In the book, James discusses the relationship between faith and works. (Let me repeat) James knew Jesus. James did not have a "sunshine and flowers" faith, because he knew there was know such thing. Faith is not about being happy. Those who have a genuine faith, realize reality. They know that through faith in Jesus Christ, they are promised two things.

1.Eternal Life- Most everyone knows this one. Many know John 3:16 like the ABC's. As Christ comes to us, He offers Himself, and He offers salvation. In this we are called to leave our sin, believe in Him as Lord, and be saved.

In this we often tune our ears to nothing, but "believe and be saved". This brings me to Numero Dos.

2. A Cross- Many people hear this, but don't listen to it. This is the part in the Gospel that people don't take seriously. Many people want salvation, but do not want this. "Salvation? No hell? Yes heaven? Wow, give me that.", is the probable thought passing through a lost man's mind while listening to the popular watered down gospel. But with salvation is a cross. As Christ was crucified, we are to follow him in this act of self denial. We are unworthy to be crucified like the King, but we often see ourselves as to high up. We often think that the cross was necessary for Jesus, but optional for us. WRONG!

If you have real faith in a real Jesus, then you would be carrying a real cross.

"So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls" - James 1:21

There are two parts to this message as you see. "Rid" and "accept". Take note of these words. Apply these words.

The Challenge? Its not about who you are, but who you know. Know Jesus. If you know him, you will be changed by him.

P.S. Read James. He knew Jesus

Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.