Monday, January 18, 2010

The Great Idea of...

There have been many great ideas over time, and I mean many. How about the one to place little white letters across the big green signs on highways? Oh and the classic, washing a new red sweater with your also "newly-purchased" white polo. The examples keep coming. Abortion and Alcohol to end all of our problems, ever heard of that one? Maybe lets try the, "Fill my life with sex to numb my body of pain" route?

Welp, get the point yet? I heard another "fantastic" idea this weekend. I was told by a fellow that a great way to witness, was to not witness at all. That we should all just make T-Shirts that read, "I am not ashamed to be a Christian". And the so called purpose behind this ground-breaking idea was to escape persecution and still reach people. I was given the example of an old
coffee cup that says, "Tell someone about Jesus today, use words if needed".

Are you INSANE?! Two points here guys. The last thing a person who's soul is headed to hell for eternity needs is a T-Shirt or Coffee Cup! They need Jesus! They need you to love them, care for them, and part of that is TELLING them. It is YOUR responsibility! It's not only a command but common sense. You don't show a man on fire a T-Shirt that says "Your Burning", but you take that Shirt and smother out the flames! What you do, is everything you can to notify that person of the issue and take action no matter what the cost because that's exactly what Christ DID FOR YOU! He didn't slip on a T-Shirt but a cross and he was not slipped there but NAILED!

Which brings us to "Number two" and that is, We were not called to wear T-Shirts! For some reason Christianity has been projected as comfortable. In Acts 20, Paul the Apostle shows the most urgency I've ever heard of in a man. This is a man who is leaving one place to another, and the other he knows will lead to his death. He gives the people all he has emotionally. He pours out his heart so they may know that there is One King, One Lord, One way, and One JESUS. On other hand we want to wear T-Shirts.

Think of your kids, Mom and Dad. Think about your husbands and wives. Think about your brothers, sisters, and friends. Think about the one who means the most to you. What if they were the one dying, and going to hell? What if your loved ones were the people destined for eternal damnation? Wear a T-Shirt now? I think not. You would say something, if what you felt was anything near love! The "lost" have families and friends. You should take them and the task of telling them no differently than you do your own.

So what do you do now bud? Do you let many perish and put on a T-Shirt, merely being too lazy to reach out at all. Or do you show your salvation, telling others, putting yourself on the cross, showing the Lost how to be found. It's up to you.

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