Monday, March 17, 2014

"An apple a day..."

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

Thank you, Johnny Appleseed.

I hate the doctor's office. I loathe doctor's appointments. I believe that most people feel the same. I think that's why the story of Johnny Appleseed is good for children. It may scare them into snacking on an apple instead of cheetos. Or, maybe not.

I like the thought of getting a daily dose of something in order to get both short term and long term results. I think it's smart and healthy. But, I think this goes farther any eating apples.

When I first became a follower of Jesus, I was told that daily bible reading was essential to my life and growth in Christ. It was easy and somewhat exciting at first. But, after a while I got in a rut and it became a chore. Kind of like a healthy diet. We look in the mirror to see muffin-tops, get motivated to eat right/exercise, but after a while it gets boring. We get out of the habit, and before you know it we find the three chins that we had once lost.

We need Jesus and His word more than we need apples and treadmills. And, hearing from our creator should be more exciting to us. It does take time, effort, and commitment, but I assume like the washboard abs that I haven't found, it's worth it in the long run.

"Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come."
1 Timothy 4:8
I hope this is encouragement to you. I can tell the days that I am in the word and the days that I don't make time. My attitude towards people is different. My effort in all of my activity is different. My mindset and motivations are different. And, I would reach to say that the results of my days are different.
I challenge you: Make time. Make an effort. The King of all creation wants to talk to you. It's worth it.
Don't know where to start?
My goal in bible reading is to get away in a quiet place and read at least one chapter of the bible a day. I try not to skip around, but read through the different books in the bible. A good place to start may be with Romans. It lays out our faith in a way that is understandable, but it will make you think. Just a thought.
"An apple a day..."

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