But, we're back and a big question we must answer is, "What now?"
We (yes, WE) are all on this spiritual mountain top and ready to set the world on fire for Jesus. But, that's how it is every year. We go to this awesome camp, we get emotional, and we come back committed to Jesus...for about two weeks. So, my question is, how can we make this year different? How can we fan the flame of our hearts for Christ, and not allow our selfishness or our surroundings to damper our enthusiasm for Christ?
"Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert."
-Isaiah 43:19
God wants this for us. I believe with all my heart He is wanting to do a new thing, and He is calling out a generation for it. But, we have to decide if we are going to get on board with God. God has a plan, and is calling us to take part in it. Will we be obedient? Will step out in faith and see God fill our hearts with passion for His name? Will we rise up as John's, or fall away like Judas?
Think today, what is one new thing that God is wanting to do in YOU? Maybe He is calling you to walk away from a sin, start reading the bible daily,
pray more for lost family, or start a relationship with a neighbor who doesn't know Christ. The possibilities are endless. What new thing is God wanting to do in and through you?
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