Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Make It Count

Remember Him before the door to life’s opportunities is closed and the sound of work fades. Now you rise at the first chirping of the birds, but then all their sounds will grow faint.
Eccl 12:4 (NLT)
Life is short. James wrote that it is like fog. Here, and then gone. We only have one life to live. Years will disappear as we live our lives. Today will be over before we know it.
So, what do we do with these minutes and moments that make up our lives? If we are going to die, and we don't when, how will we spend this life that we've been given? Whatever we do, I think we should do something that counts.
Life is easily made routine. We wake up, maybe eat some breakfast, and then we get busy with school, work, or whatever else our schedule is filled with. The next day? Probably the same thing. It's easy to get in a rut, much like a worn out tire in a puddle of mud. Spinning round and round but getting nowhere and accomplishing nothing but a deeper hole to try and get out off.
So, how did the wisest man to ever live say that we should make it count...
"Remember Him before the door to life’s opportunities is closed..."
King Solomon said to remember God. If we commit ourselves to remembering Christ, and we make Him the center of our lives they will count. Why? Jesus counts. The bible teaches that things of this earth with surely pass away. We live in a dying world. People pass, jobs are lost, money is stolen, and dreams are broken. What stands? What is absolute? What cannot die, be lost, be stolen, or be broken? Jesus.
So, if we live being all about Jesus our lives count. They matter. We will be making a perfect investment. It will not be easy. It will not be comfortable. But, it will be best.
We don't know how many days we have been given. So I ask, what will you do with today?
Make it count.

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