The same can be said for believers who don't "eat" enough of God's word: the Bible.
4 But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say,‘People do not live by bread alone,but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ”
Matt 4:4 (NLT)
Why Read My Bible and Pray Everyday?
I remember a cute little song that one of my Sunday School teachers taught me growing up that went something like this...
"...Read your bible, pray everyday, and you'll groW, grOW, GROW!..."
It's cute, and it's RIGHT! If we have a true desire to groW, grOW, GROW! then we will begin the process of spending time with Jesus every day.
RELATIONSHIP is also a HUGE word when it comes to having a quiet time. If I want to build a good relationship with someone I don't ignore and neglect them. But, I spend time with them. We hangout. We talk. We'll probably catch a cup of coffee together, or maybe shoot some hoops. It's no different from our walk with Jesus. It's said that Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship. I wholeheartedly agree. But, it's up to us to enhance that relationship, and we do that by spending time with Jesus.
How Do I Read My Bible and Pray Everyday?
Listen Dude, spending time with Jesus isn't nearly as hard as we make it out to be. There isn't a cookie-cutter system. Here are a few answered questions and tips:
- When am I supposed to have my quiet time? Jesus doesn't have office hours. You will never call on Him and get His secretary. Jesus's door is always open to talk. Take advantage of this. I usually sit down and have my quiet time first thing in the morning. My bible and prayer time usually goes with a cup of coffee. But, that's because that's what works for me. You can meet with Jesus anytime. When you wake up, or before you go to sleep. Maybe you leave lunch a little early, and find a place to check into your bible for a few minutes. Make time for Jesus, anytime.
- I just haven't had time... Bologna. You make time for other things. People have time to do what they want to do. Like I said, Jesus's door is always open. You may just have to spend less time on facebook, texting little Susie, or cut off SportsCenter for a few minutes in the morning.
- Where do I start? I used to say the gospel of John, but my mind has changed. Really, it doesn't matter. But, my suggestion is always Romans. Martin Luther called Romans the purest Gospel. It doesn't get much better than that. The book of Romans is basically Apostle Paul writing down the basics of our Christian Faith.
- There are just so many distractions, my brother listens to the TV really loud... Be wise. Get away. Go somewhere quiet. Take a prayer walk through the woods. Read your bible while laying on the trampoline. Or, this is a crazy thought, go in your room and shut the door...
But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.
Matt 6:6 (NLT)
Reading the bible is a privilege. I mean, we actually get to hear God speak. Praying is a privilege. We have the opportunity to approach God in grace! Take advantage of this. The Creator of the universe wants to sit down and talk with YOU!
I hope this has helped in some way. If you have any thoughts, questions, or suggestions don't hesitate to leave a comment.
Here are some other thoughts or resources that may help...
- Try the YouVersion bible app. They have reading plans and an accessible app where you can read anytime. Most students use this electric version of the bible in our bible studies.
- A good devotional to supplement your bible reading is usually helpful. But, be careful not to lay down the Bible in favor of a devotional. Here is Johhny Hunt talking about the devotional that I'm actually using now. It's great. You can find it on amazon for a decent price.
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