"Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God."
Romans 6:13(NLT)
Many that attend weekly services check that service off their weekly to-do list. They go home, put on something more comfortable, and forget about God as they dip into a deep sleep. And, I don't mean that nap in your recliner.
We see all through the Bible that God calls us to more than this. He calls us to more than a few songs, and an altar call. He calls us to more than a 10th of our earnings. He calls us to more than a Sunday School breakfast. Yes, He calls us to more than dress up.
We see in Romans 6 that we are called to a life that is free from sin by relying on Christ. And, in the 13th verse, we see that we are to respond by living that life. We see that the Christian life is not to be a fraction of our whole life. We shouldn't respond to God's grace by only giving Him 1/4 or 33% of our life. No, we are called to more than that.
God has a plan. And, we as the church, have been to called be used as an instrument to achieve that plan. Last time I checked, half a pair of pliers isn't worth much. In Romans 6:13, we are called to respond to God's life-giving grace by giving up that life for His use and glory.
If all you have for Jesus is one day a week, bed-time prayers, or some Sunday clothes...Keep'em. Jesus doesn't want your tie. Jesus wants you. All of you. Jesus is calling us to more than dress up.
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