Certain things run in certain families. Some are known for height, whether they are extremely tall or extremely small. Some are known for their personalities or humor. But, wherever or whomever you come from, there will be a slight resemblance.
So, question: Are there any signs in your life that show you to be a child of God? Any resemblances between you and your creator? No, I'm not asking if you wear a robe, or if you have ever walked on water. Here's a verse that may help us understand...
"You must be holy because I, the Lord, am holy. I have set you apart from all other people to be my very own."
Lev 20:26 (NLT)
If we truly belong to God, won't we resemble Him? Won't we follow His model? Won't we walk His way? The Bible seems to say that we should, and will.
The way we look, or live rather, says something about who belong too. So, represent well. As a believer, you have been CHOSEN to be a personal representative of King Jesus. So when you say, "I'm a Christian", people see Christ. If they see you living like a joke, they see Jesus as joke. But, what if they see you as loving? They see Jesus as loving. What if they see you as "true-blue"? They see Jesus as the real-deal. So, be holy for He is holy. Here's a quote that I heard from my mom before I went out with friends while growing up...
"Remember who you are, and more importantly, whose you are!"
Christian, remember who you belong to. Rep Him well.
All About Jesus!!!