A man once said, "Waking up each morning is grace. Demanding anything more is greed."
I like the choice of words. In the first statement he speaks of grace. Stating that the breath of daily life is much more than a given. In the second he uses the term demanding. The terms desiring, wanting, or attempting to have were not used.
The term "Content" is a lot deeper than seven letters. What does it mean?
Content: feeling or showing satisfaction with one's possessions, status, or situation
To be content does not mean to settle. As believers, we often settle for less than what God has for us. We do this for many reasons. Sometimes its because of a fear of failure. Sometimes we just get distracted, and forget that God has a bigger and better plan than twitter and facebook. Sometimes we just tired of looking and trying. Settling seems to be easy, but it is surely not a way out.
We seem to settle in many areas. Maybe you are exhausted, and settle for a job just because you need one, and not because it is the one God has set apart for you. You have probably settled in relationships. You settle for less than Mr. or Mrs. God's plan for you. This means you have settled for less than love, less than moral, and less than right. No matter where you settle, you will always get less. Settling is not in the definition of being content, but being satisfied is.
To be content is to be totally satisfied by what God has blessed you with today. To be totally satisfied by God is to see Him as more than satisfactory. Another key to this is to view every circumstance as an opportunity, and a blessing, not a curse. Our goal in those blessings and opportunities cannot be to please me, but to please the One from whom all blessings flow.
Romans 12:1-2
1 And so, dear brothers and sisters,* I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.*2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
The end of verse 2 hits me hard. God's will for me is good, pleasing and perfect? That's right. To be content is to see it that way. If those words were the words of Paul's heart, he was a very content man. If we are truly content, and believe that God's will for us is really good, pleasing and perfect, then we will accomplish the rest of these two verses. If we are satisfied by God's perfect will then we will automatically become a living sacrificing. Being content is not only a state of the heart and mind, but the body. Being content will make us doers of the words that we hear. (James 1:22)
I challenge you. Be satisfied by Christ. Search for nothing outside of Him, because it will only leave you more empty than before. No trophy, no buzz, and no fifteen minutes with the opposite sex will make you feel the way Christ can. You will not be at peace with anything outside of Him. There will always be something missing. Fall in love with Jesus. Dance your life away as an offering to Him. Pour yourself out at His feet, leaving no more to be waisted on anything else. He is where you will find rest.
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