On a license you see very limited info. You see a birth date, eye color, height, and gender. It also includes race, and address. These are what we call demographics. I think we would all agree that there is more to a person than demographics.
Who are you? Don't tell me your age. Don't start describing yourself with physical traits.
We have come to a place in society where we sum ourselves by saying what others can already see. To know me, you have to know my heart. To truly know Thomas Seth Springs, who was born on 12/22/92, you have to know my desires. To know me, you gotta really know me.
So, I ask again, who are you? I had to ask my self this same question recently. To really know, we have to escape what others see. We have to look beyond the obvious. We have to look at private moments. We have to look at our thought-life.
In some places I was disappointed. In some places I realized that I was not who others think I am, and that I was not living for Jesus 100% of the time. If you are not Jesus himself, you will probably see the same thing.
So, Who are you? Are you playing church. What is the difference between who you are, and what others see? Who do you want to be?
Do you want to be someone who is sold out to Jesus, or do you want to be a pretender. I look at my brother Trey, and I am impressed. Trey loves Jesus. It is genuine. He has his struggles, but he admits to them, and tries to abandon them. Trey wants to be someone who is totally committed to Christ, therefore he pushes toward the goal.
There are others who claim to walk the walk, but don't. They may admit their faults, but they probably don't have a true, Christ-centered, desire to grow towards Christ. These are the people who are at church. They go, and they feed off of everyone elses fruit, but struggle to bare their own. See, but don't seriously serve. They use the product, but they don't pay.
So, who are you?
Are you pouring your life into your friends, family, and church? Or, do you sit back, go to bible study, and refuse to grow?
Identification, please.
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