If everyone is talking, then everyone is hearing, and that means some are listening, and this means that all are affected. Who are you listening to? Who are you affected by?
If you are surrounded by something you are constantly being impacted by it. Life is not neutral. This means that it is very important that we be cautious about who and what we surround ourselves with. This ranges from everything you listen to on the radio, to the friends you sit with at lunch.
I can remember a time in the past when I was at an event and music was constantly playing. It was a type of music that should not fill my mind, but I thought I could just block it out. This is foolish. As I left the building I was humming the tune of a song I had just heard. Two days later, thoughts were triggering me to sing the words that I "blocked out." Point? We are not strong enough. That's not to bash you and I, but that is reality. We need to be aware of our surroundings, because our lives and our hearts will show the scars of our setting.
Question: Who are you listening to?
Warning: Don't listen to this world. Don't listen to this culture. The bible tells us that we are strangers in a foreign land. Meaning, if you are a true follower of Christ, your home is not here. Meaning, that your home is with Him, in heaven. A resident of heaven should not be covered in the filth of this world. A man or woman who will reside with the King of kings in heaven should not be walking with foolish and sinful words stuck in his head.
I recently ate a bag of popcorn. If you do not eat much popcorn, I recommend that you do. But, popcorn is not only tasty, it's cool. I love to listen to it pop. It is probably the definition of cool. The heat from the microwave causes the popcorn to transform from a boring kernel into a delicious snack. The warmth works itself into the kernel, causing it to explode from the inside out! So?
The people that we are around, the sights that we see, and the sounds that we hear transform us. Like the heat to the popcorn, our surroundings motivate and push us to be something more. But, what are those things pushing towards. If the things that surround you are centered on Christ, they will push you towards Him. If they are not, they will push towards destruction.
Who are you listening to?
Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.
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