Thursday, October 21, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Fat Boy: Doughnuts and Milk
Though it is rare, there are a few combos that beat it out. One is Christians and reading the bible.
This combination, believe it or not, is not an obligation. This combination is actually a privilege. It is not the bible's privilege. This book shouldn't feel special to be read, but we need to feel blessed by having the opportunity to read it with intent.
Many people, including over seas, do not have this privilege due to persecution. Yet, we take it for granted. Where is yours right now? Night stand, coffee table, or dresser? When is the last time you read it? Was it a chore or a blessing?
You have the opportunity of a life time to team up with the Word. Get full of it, because it does not run empty. Will you?
Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Other People Talking..
If everyone is talking, then everyone is hearing, and that means some are listening, and this means that all are affected. Who are you listening to? Who are you affected by?
If you are surrounded by something you are constantly being impacted by it. Life is not neutral. This means that it is very important that we be cautious about who and what we surround ourselves with. This ranges from everything you listen to on the radio, to the friends you sit with at lunch.
I can remember a time in the past when I was at an event and music was constantly playing. It was a type of music that should not fill my mind, but I thought I could just block it out. This is foolish. As I left the building I was humming the tune of a song I had just heard. Two days later, thoughts were triggering me to sing the words that I "blocked out." Point? We are not strong enough. That's not to bash you and I, but that is reality. We need to be aware of our surroundings, because our lives and our hearts will show the scars of our setting.
Question: Who are you listening to?
Warning: Don't listen to this world. Don't listen to this culture. The bible tells us that we are strangers in a foreign land. Meaning, if you are a true follower of Christ, your home is not here. Meaning, that your home is with Him, in heaven. A resident of heaven should not be covered in the filth of this world. A man or woman who will reside with the King of kings in heaven should not be walking with foolish and sinful words stuck in his head.
I recently ate a bag of popcorn. If you do not eat much popcorn, I recommend that you do. But, popcorn is not only tasty, it's cool. I love to listen to it pop. It is probably the definition of cool. The heat from the microwave causes the popcorn to transform from a boring kernel into a delicious snack. The warmth works itself into the kernel, causing it to explode from the inside out! So?
The people that we are around, the sights that we see, and the sounds that we hear transform us. Like the heat to the popcorn, our surroundings motivate and push us to be something more. But, what are those things pushing towards. If the things that surround you are centered on Christ, they will push you towards Him. If they are not, they will push towards destruction.
Who are you listening to?
Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.
Monday, October 11, 2010
I am unworthy, uneducated, and overwhelmed. But, I love to write and feel led to. I think that writing will play a little bit of a role in my future, but I think I may go ahead start now.
Today, I begin drafting, outlining, and praying. It may all amount to a stack of white computer paper stapled together, but "it is what it is".
Please pray with me as begin this process. The piece will be titled, Senseless: The Calls of Christ.
If any of you are interested you can email me @ or on facebook.
In Christ,
Seth Springs
Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.
Today, I begin drafting, outlining, and praying. It may all amount to a stack of white computer paper stapled together, but "it is what it is".
Please pray with me as begin this process. The piece will be titled, Senseless: The Calls of Christ.
If any of you are interested you can email me @ or on facebook.
In Christ,
Seth Springs
Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Trick Plays
I am having a good day. Had an 11 am breakfast. I cleaned my room. Spent lots of time with my lady. And, now I am watching the South Carolina vs. Alabama game. As I sit beside a man who loves the Gamecocks, Kenn Hucks, we watch the Gamecocks take a 14-3 lead with less than 2 minutes left in the 1st Quarter. We are excited. South Carolina may have a real chance against the defending National Champions.
While marching down the field, USC used a trick play. The quarterback faked the hand off, and then he rolled out to the opposite side of the field. It was for a substantial gain and a... GAMECOCK FIRSTDOWN!
As happy as I was to see USC move the ball, I was also reminded of a destructive habit some us have made. We try faking our way through life. From situation to situation, we attempt to look like something that we are obviously not.
Whether it's to cover up a physical imperfection, or to cover up a mental mistake, we all like to have that special play up our sleeve. It seems that we get to a certain point of desperation and deceit becomes an option.
In football, fakes are acceptable. In life, they are not. Do not allow yourself to be fake. Walk in the truth. Walk with Jesus. He is the Truth.
Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.
While marching down the field, USC used a trick play. The quarterback faked the hand off, and then he rolled out to the opposite side of the field. It was for a substantial gain and a... GAMECOCK FIRSTDOWN!
As happy as I was to see USC move the ball, I was also reminded of a destructive habit some us have made. We try faking our way through life. From situation to situation, we attempt to look like something that we are obviously not.
Whether it's to cover up a physical imperfection, or to cover up a mental mistake, we all like to have that special play up our sleeve. It seems that we get to a certain point of desperation and deceit becomes an option.
In football, fakes are acceptable. In life, they are not. Do not allow yourself to be fake. Walk in the truth. Walk with Jesus. He is the Truth.
Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Jesus...and Coffee.
I recently began teaching a lesson every week to the Trek class in our Awana program. The class is made up of about 30 students and I have a blast with them every week.
The first two weeks we talked about the Bible. But, not only the book. We talked about The Word. That's right. We talked about Jesus. We dove into the fact of the New and Old Testament, both, being all about Jesus. The main point that I attempted to stress was this: It is a privilege to read the book about The Word. It is a privilege to sit and read the Word of God.
I can say that since I began to study this fact, I have never enjoyed reading my Bible more. Every morning, before I go to school, I sit, and I read. Not because I'm good, but because I am unworthy. It is a privilege for sinners like me, and sinners like you, to even grasp a glimpse of The Word.
I also love coffee. But, drinking it while I listen to God speak makes the coffee so much better! I grab my brown sugar oatmeal (yes, oatmeal), my Myrtle Beach, SC coffee cup, and head off to meet with God.
Since starting this, I can tell a large difference in the way that I communicate with God. He is breaking me of seeing it as a duty and obligation. Everytime I leave my prayer, I want to look up at heaven and say, "It's been a pleasure." Yea, conviction is still there. Yes, God continues to break my heart over my sin. But, through this privilege , He is also mending it.
How do you see God's Word? A gift or a burden? A privilege or an obligation?
Read the word. Find satisfaction in Jesus! Coffee ain't bad either.
Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.
The first two weeks we talked about the Bible. But, not only the book. We talked about The Word. That's right. We talked about Jesus. We dove into the fact of the New and Old Testament, both, being all about Jesus. The main point that I attempted to stress was this: It is a privilege to read the book about The Word. It is a privilege to sit and read the Word of God.
I can say that since I began to study this fact, I have never enjoyed reading my Bible more. Every morning, before I go to school, I sit, and I read. Not because I'm good, but because I am unworthy. It is a privilege for sinners like me, and sinners like you, to even grasp a glimpse of The Word.
I also love coffee. But, drinking it while I listen to God speak makes the coffee so much better! I grab my brown sugar oatmeal (yes, oatmeal), my Myrtle Beach, SC coffee cup, and head off to meet with God.
Since starting this, I can tell a large difference in the way that I communicate with God. He is breaking me of seeing it as a duty and obligation. Everytime I leave my prayer, I want to look up at heaven and say, "It's been a pleasure." Yea, conviction is still there. Yes, God continues to break my heart over my sin. But, through this privilege , He is also mending it.
How do you see God's Word? A gift or a burden? A privilege or an obligation?
Read the word. Find satisfaction in Jesus! Coffee ain't bad either.
Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Slap the Bull
I recently watched a comedy where they played a game. Now, I wouldn't play it if I had the chance. But, the name was "Slap the bull". When introduced, some of the characters thought that it included drinking. It didn't. It is actually what it is called. It involves sneaking up behind a bull, slapping the bull on the less-than charming side, and running. You hope to run faster than the bull or catch him taking a nap.
Let me repeat, you will never hear of me playing this game.
But, why not? The answer is obvious. It has to be FEAR. As helpless human-beings we fear quite a few things. Some fear death, some fear failure, and some people are just plain scared. But, fear does not always help or hide us from danger. Sometimes fear hides us from success. Sometimes fear keeps us from taking a step that would put is right where God wants us to be.
For so long, I rejected Christ out of fear. In that fear was pride. I was afraid of being minimized in light of something greater and larger than myself. I was afraid of following Christ, and preaching, teaching, and sharing like he was calling me to do. My fear was wrapped up in ME. I had fear, because I was still concerned with me, myself and I. I was consumed by thoughts of my well-being. Our fear is usually not fueld by outside circumstances, but by our own insecurities.
Romans 3:23- "For all have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God"
The fact of things being out of our control should be comforting, because we always manage to mess things up. It's a fact. I do not grasp why we think we will be better off following our own plans and configurations. Maybe it is trust? I have no clue, but I do know that we are better off following God's plan, because he is faultless. He is the one drawing the map, so why not let him lead us on this journey.
Jeremiah 29:11- "For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
The call of Christ does include a cross. Don't get confused. This verse does not support the health, wealth, and prosperity gospel. But, it supports truth. Because, it is truth. The road that the believer will travel is not easy. It is not all sunshine and flowers. But, it is beautiful. It calls for humility, and brokenness. It calls for submission, and commands us to tap out in the grasp of our Father. Though it is hard, it is worth it. This plan is to give us hope. This plan is to give us Jesus. Jesus is to be our hope. If He is our true hope, all fear is to be cancelled out. The wrath is no longer on our back, but the grace is in our hearts. This plan is tough, but it is to lead us to the cross. Don't forget that after the cross was resurrection. Want life? It is in Jesus. You are called to carry a cross before you get there, and while you are on your journey, but so what? If your hope is in Jesus, the victory has already been won.
What do you fear? Don't. God has a plan for you. You're right. It isn't your plan. It probably isn't what you want. IT'S BETTER!
Jesus is everything, and if you don't have Jesus you don't have anything.
Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.
Let me repeat, you will never hear of me playing this game.
But, why not? The answer is obvious. It has to be FEAR. As helpless human-beings we fear quite a few things. Some fear death, some fear failure, and some people are just plain scared. But, fear does not always help or hide us from danger. Sometimes fear hides us from success. Sometimes fear keeps us from taking a step that would put is right where God wants us to be.
For so long, I rejected Christ out of fear. In that fear was pride. I was afraid of being minimized in light of something greater and larger than myself. I was afraid of following Christ, and preaching, teaching, and sharing like he was calling me to do. My fear was wrapped up in ME. I had fear, because I was still concerned with me, myself and I. I was consumed by thoughts of my well-being. Our fear is usually not fueld by outside circumstances, but by our own insecurities.
Romans 3:23- "For all have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God"
The fact of things being out of our control should be comforting, because we always manage to mess things up. It's a fact. I do not grasp why we think we will be better off following our own plans and configurations. Maybe it is trust? I have no clue, but I do know that we are better off following God's plan, because he is faultless. He is the one drawing the map, so why not let him lead us on this journey.
Jeremiah 29:11- "For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
The call of Christ does include a cross. Don't get confused. This verse does not support the health, wealth, and prosperity gospel. But, it supports truth. Because, it is truth. The road that the believer will travel is not easy. It is not all sunshine and flowers. But, it is beautiful. It calls for humility, and brokenness. It calls for submission, and commands us to tap out in the grasp of our Father. Though it is hard, it is worth it. This plan is to give us hope. This plan is to give us Jesus. Jesus is to be our hope. If He is our true hope, all fear is to be cancelled out. The wrath is no longer on our back, but the grace is in our hearts. This plan is tough, but it is to lead us to the cross. Don't forget that after the cross was resurrection. Want life? It is in Jesus. You are called to carry a cross before you get there, and while you are on your journey, but so what? If your hope is in Jesus, the victory has already been won.
What do you fear? Don't. God has a plan for you. You're right. It isn't your plan. It probably isn't what you want. IT'S BETTER!
Jesus is everything, and if you don't have Jesus you don't have anything.
Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.
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