Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Big Belly or Little Shirt?

I have gained weight. How do I know this? Well, the shirts that used to look big on me now look like spandex. Not, what you would call, appealing. Why have I gained this weight? I like to eat more than I like to run. I like to eat a lot. It is fun. There are times where I know that I should eat a banana, but I choose a honey bun instead.

I don't just stop with that snack. I want another..and another...and another. I never seem to get full, and if I do, the satisfaction passes quickly.

So what sense is there in me eating? Why should I fatten my self up like a prize calf, when the only fulfillment is between my stomach and shirt?

This makes no sense. But, you do it as well. You may not be on the brink of 800 lbs. like me, but you feed yourself with something.

Love money? Work real hard? What happens to that money once you spend it? Sure, you may have a new product, but won't it get old like the one you had?

Alcohol, drugs and sex? Feels good while your on cloud nine, right? But, what about when you fall? What about when the girl or boy, man or woman gets up to leave? What about when you wake up and feel as if someone hit you over the head with a baseball bat? Broken and ashamed. Empty. Sure, that's what we're looking for.

Athletic success? Maybe you want to be first in your class academically. Where does this get you when you don't go pro or people stop looking at your high school transcript?

What then? I will be quite frank with you. Once you smother yourself in the crap of this world you will still be hungry.

John 4:14 "..but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life."

Do not drink "the water" of this world because you will thirst again. Do not invest in worldly things, because they will fall through. And, do not pour yourself into the ideas of people, because they don't even hold water. I beg you, believers in Christ, do not whore yourselves to this world, for you are not your own, and you were bought with a price.

But eat, sleep, drink, and breathe Jesus. He alone is worthy, and he alone is enough. He will not falter. He will not leave you needing more. His love can never bounce like a bad check and His grace will never grow old.

Put every bit of hope into Jesus. You do that, and everything is taken care of. I am not talking of health, wealth, and prosperity. I am speaking about love that never fails, and a peace that will pull you through any suffering. As our Lord suffered, we will  suffer, but we will do so without hunger.

The woman at the well was holding on to 5 husbands. What do you need to let go of?

Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.

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