I started to re-read a book today. This book is a challenging one. No, its not by Dave Ramsey. This book is a life changing one. No, its not by Max Lacado.
It is the biblical book of James. This book is the 20th new testament book. This book was written by James who happens to be the half brother of Jesus.
The reason this book is so challenging is not because James wrote it. The reason this book is so challenging has everything to do with who James knew. You get it? The book is not the way it is because of who James was, but because of who James knew. James knew Christ.
In the book, James discusses the relationship between faith and works. (Let me repeat) James knew Jesus. James did not have a "sunshine and flowers" faith, because he knew there was know such thing. Faith is not about being happy. Those who have a genuine faith, realize reality. They know that through faith in Jesus Christ, they are promised two things.
1.Eternal Life- Most everyone knows this one. Many know John 3:16 like the ABC's. As Christ comes to us, He offers Himself, and He offers salvation. In this we are called to leave our sin, believe in Him as Lord, and be saved.
In this we often tune our ears to nothing, but "believe and be saved". This brings me to Numero Dos.
2. A Cross- Many people hear this, but don't listen to it. This is the part in the Gospel that people don't take seriously. Many people want salvation, but do not want this. "Salvation? No hell? Yes heaven? Wow, give me that.", is the probable thought passing through a lost man's mind while listening to the popular watered down gospel. But with salvation is a cross. As Christ was crucified, we are to follow him in this act of self denial. We are unworthy to be crucified like the King, but we often see ourselves as to high up. We often think that the cross was necessary for Jesus, but optional for us. WRONG!
If you have real faith in a real Jesus, then you would be carrying a real cross.
"So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls" - James 1:21
There are two parts to this message as you see. "Rid" and "accept". Take note of these words. Apply these words.
The Challenge? Its not about who you are, but who you know. Know Jesus. If you know him, you will be changed by him.
P.S. Read James. He knew Jesus
Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.
Brother Seth. This was an encouraging blog to read. It's so good to know that we need to repent from sin and turn to Jesus. That's unbelievable news. Now that I got a blog, I am excited to get mine going ha.