Friday, June 18, 2010

Issue #4: Tolerance of Sin

Tolerance. Tolerance is a word with many definitions. Obviously it means to tolerate, in general. An example is social tolerance, in which you choose to "tolerate" a specific social idea, movement, or group. Over the years, tolerance has become a roaring trend. Clubs have been set up in schools, political groups have included it in their campaigns, and the media has aired commercials that are in support of tolerance. I am not here to rant about political topics, or to ruffle feathers. I am here to talk about the believer's heart and the tolerance of sin that may be fighting its way in.

Yes, I do realize that many who read this are going to to call me close minded. I just choose to believe the bible.

Tolerance of sin is dangerous, but is not usually obvious at first. Over looking or down playing sin usually starts with the tolerance of a new idea. A thought, image, or idea will become a new trend. Maybe you see it in a movie or hear it in the lyrics of a song. It may not seem like it, but everything that you don't reject, you accept. When you hear song lyrics and say, "Well, thats not that bad", you have accepted the idea portrayed by the words and they become engraved in your mind. You have just tolerated a new idea. This tolerance is the beginning to a long road marked with the tolerance of what sets us apart from God.

Sound overwhelming? I agree, but its real. It is easy to become tolerant of the ideas that match the sins that we like. Those who struggle with alcohol see no problem with a sip every now and again or even a "funny" beer commercial. Those who struggle with lust like the new idea of girls wearing long t-shirts as dresses and axe commercials that seem harmless. Just as homosexuals have no problem with idea of two guys kissing. Get my point there? Things may seem harmless because they don't go "all the way" and we happen to a like it "a little". There is probably a guy or girl reading this that is tolerant of "straight" sexual connotations but the minute it becomes gay, it becomes wrong. NEWS FLASH: JUST BECAUSE YOU LIKE OR PREFER SOMETHING DOESN'T MAKE IT OKAY. Homosexuality is wrong and leads to death as every other sin does, and a straight guy's lust happens to be one. Be aware, it is easy.

Sin. We are all sinful creatures. We were all once lost in our sin, but the moment that we accept Christ we make a commitment to throw away all of the garbage in our hearts and in our lives. If you love God, you hate sin. It is not a choice of preference, but a choice of teams. James, the half brother of Jesus, had this to say...

"You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God."- James 4:4

It is no myth that sin is an issue, and so is the tolerance of it. We are to cast down all Idols, not just the ones that we dislike or struggle with. Oil and water do not flow from the same fountain, so we must rid ourselves of all sin and thoughts that glorify it.
We all have sin and through the grace of Jesus we should declare war on our it. Unless we do something about it, sin is going to keep on cluttering our conscience and finding ways to discourage us. Are you a friend to the world or a friend and child of God.

Ask yourself this question: How long can you pet a rattlesnake?

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