Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Don't Think...

Many test-takers and students have something in common. It's an issue and usually causes many mistakes. They think. Seriously. Let me show you...

Your taking you final exam and are about to finish, but then you read the last question. You think the answer is A. Your set to bubble it in, but then another crazy question crosses your mind, "What If I'm wrong?". So you think, think, think. B is a ridiculous answer, but C and D are reasonable. So you ponder on it. Then you do some real decision making and decide that C can't be it because the word cat starts with C, and you hate cats. Then D is real reasonable because your great aunt's brother's name is Doug. You think some more. You pick D. You get your test back and see that A was the answer. You wonder how in the world you got the question and then you remember thinking about it...

See how ridiculous it sounds? Athletes do the same thing. Basketball players think, then hesitate about the big shot and don't get it off in time. Certain people think about a certain health care bill. Now do you get my point? We think way to much.

We do that same very thing in faith, it's called theology. Wow, now before you get bent all out of shape let me explain. As you look at human life, its not hard to see that we humans don't always make the best of decisions. We got it all wrong when we ate that fruit off of that one tree, when we were told not to by the creator of us and the tree. I think I got the story right.

For the last 6 months I have been tormented with theological questions. Among the topics are predestination, the loss of salvation, denomination, and others. I tried to find answers, but what I was led towards was personal opinion and selfish reasoning. Through all of this I have found one answer...I am no theologian, nor have I been called to be one. As a Christian, I have been called to read the Bible and believe every word and every point of punctuation in it.

With theology, we try to make sense of God. And by the way, why do we try to make sense of God when he created sense in the first place. As believers we are to live as we believe God would have us to, not the way that makes sense. I encourage you to read more of the Bible and believe what it says. I say this because theology is God through the eyes of man, but the Bible is God through the eyes of God.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not talking about sound biblical doctrine. I am speaking of theology, which is opinionated and biased. We are to believe and live as God says, not believe and live the way God says after we modify what he says.

Does this sound like a rant, yet? We live in a time that everyone believes in something. I mean even atheist believe in nothing, and nothing is something! We need to remember that our opinions don't mean squat if they are not in line with the Word of God. The Bible is our foundation and our houses are to be built out of bricks of faith, and that faith being in our foundation! As one wise woman of God reminded me, "Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain."

No matter what you believe, the truth is the truth. The Truth is Jesus, and if you are living outside of him and his grace you are living a lie. One day, whether it makes sense or fits your vocabulary every knee shall and every tongue shall confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD. That is not theology, but that is the Word of God.

1 comment:

  1. Seth,
    Praise God!!!! It is evident that Christ is your purpose . . . your desire . . . and most of all your life. Continue to tell other young people of HIS love. HE will bless you and direct your steps with HIS GRACE.
    Thank you for standing up for HIM. I stand with you my brother in Christ.
    Every knee will bow and confess Jesus Christ is Lord!!!! Thank God for HIS death on the cross. HIS love overwhelms me and HIS death and resurrection covers my heart without fear or doubt that I will be in Heaven with HIM when my earthly body dies.
    Your sister in Christ,
