I often ask the popular question..."why?". Why this and why that. It is a natural action of the human mind, most of them anyways, to search for reasoning or the "why" factor in most situations. I often ask myself and even God why about the simple or even silly things of life. Why was it Adam and Eve and not George and Martha? Or why do I find myself stumping my toe on things that seem to have been in the same place for a century? Oh and I always seem to question why god created fire ants while I'm dancing across my yard and swiping at my feet and legs.
Then again there are the serious, more impacting questions that we ask. It seems to me that every time something goes terribly wrong we seem to look at the sky, shake our heads, and say, "Why God?". I admit I am guilty of this insanity and often forget that, "It rains on the just and unjust alike". I am so quick to throw all of the blame into God's arms and tend to forget that the world we live in is an imperfect one.
I also often forget to ask God the question of, "Why did you bless me so much?". Or "Why do I have a place to live and enough food to eat". It's quite obvious that we're okay with the good but it happens to slip our minds to rest it upon the shoulders of the almighty one. We can curse the heavens when we have red insects running up our ankles but we forget to to praise the Lord when everything is right. Praise the Lord through everything, with all that is within you, and at all times, not just when its comfortable or the sunshine seems to be just right.
Tonight as I sit here typing away, I think about grace. Not just a song but the true grace of God. I imagine his nail pierced hands and his thorn crowned brow. I think about the words, "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.", that my Jesus prayed while he was hanging on that cross. Tonight I ask, "Why does he love me, the undeserving, that much?"....
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