Sunday, June 1, 2014

Livin Life in Your own Shoes

When I was checking Facebook yesterday, I stumbled upon a friend of mine's post that read:

 "When I was driving home last night I almost hit these guys (and by the way, these guys are two dogs), so I stopped on the side of the road and opened my door & both of them jumped up in my car... I waited around for about 35 minutes and didn't see anybody or hear anything..I didn't want to leave them to possibly get hurt so I shut my door, and brought them back to my house where they got watered, fed, and a good nights sleep. This morning I woke up early and drove them back to where I found them, I opened up my car door but to my surprise my friends just jumped out turned around and stared at seemed they had no urge to go home.....Not knowing what to do I just said a prayer for some help About 10 seconds later a minivan came cruising down the street really slow, it was a mother and her daughter, as they approached us I saw the little girl cover her mouth with her hands and her eyes fill with excitement..she had found her boys & right then I knew, I was exactly where I was supposed to be. So look down at your feet today and understand that they are planted EXACTLY where they are supposed to be, He does not make mistakes." (and by the way, I added the and by the way part...)

It reminded me of this coffee mug that I saw last week, I really liked it, it read: No matter where you go, there you are.

An attribute of God that should be the most comforting of all to us as believers is that He is completely sovereign. There's not one thing that comes to pass that He did not have a say so in. Good or bad. He knows it all. After all He is God. I remember hitting golf balls yesterday thinking, "Ya know if there really is a God, then He ought to be in complete control. So why do I keep worrying about where I'm at in life as if it's not where I'm supposed to be for the moment." In my head I completely understand that God is sovereign but my heart lacks faith. 

The story of Jonah teaches us that no matter where we are, ultimately we are in God's will for our lives. If you're not too familiar with the story of Jonah, here's a brief summary: God called Jonah to preach in Nineveh, Jonah was like nahh and ran, Jonah was swallowed by a whale, Jonah repented, the whale spit him out, Jonah went to Nineveh, Nineveh repents, Jonah's mad at God, Jonah learns a few hard lessons, and the end.

The part I love about this story most is what the Bible says happened in chapter 1 verse 16. The Bible says, "Then the men feared the Lord exceedingly, and they offered a sacrifice to the Lord and made vows." Jonah ran from God and God used him to save people anyways! Ha! How crazy is that? That's not crazy, that's sheer sovereignty. These are the men that Jonah was on the ship with that he was aboard to flee from the call of God. He technically wasn't supposed to be there, but he was and God used him. You see if you're a child of God or not, where you are right now is exactly where you're supposed to be. Don't take that for granted, as the Facebook status said, "He does not make mistakes." I don't know where you are in life, if you're hopeful or hopeless, on the mountains or in the valleys, but I just want to encourage you with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He died for you, but He didn't stay that way, He brought Himself back to life and now He lives forever. He's the only source of everlasting hope and peace. He is God and He is completely sovereign. 

Thanks for checking this out, and check out this dude's music that posted the Facebook status I used earlier: