Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wow Factor

Wow. To some, this word is considered to be slang. To some, it is thought to me simple.

Wow is a word used to express an emotion. This emotion is usually amusement, or delight.

To be such a simple word, it has many synonyms...

- Acclaim
- Admiration
- Applause
- Approbation
- Esteem
- Praise
- Respect

...Just to name a few.

Many say wow to elegant speeches, outstanding physical beauty, or breathtaking and freakish athletic ability.

But what do you say about Jesus. The odd thing about Jesus is that, no matter what religious denomination, no matter what your sexual preference, and no matter what factors in on your belief system, everyone has an opinion on Jesus. Songs are sung to Him, people riot because of Him, and tears run in awe of Him. Whether you love him or hate him, you have an opinion of Him.

Why? For some reason, people flock to Jesus. Religious folks came to criticize, sick people came to be healed, and theives came steal knowledge that was free.

The reason is that Jesus had a "wow" factor. Jesus was the "wow" factor. He claimed to be The Son of God and through his ressurection, like every other claim, proved it to be true. See crazy people have always existed. People have always made ridiculous proclomations. But Jesus is the only one who has ever proved it.

Jesus, through his word and walk, proved to be faithful. Jesus, through his prophecy and his path, proved to be dependable. Jesus never lied, and what he spoke, he lived.

In the book of Revelation, Jesus spoke. In the 22nd Chapter, the last Chapter in the Bible, Jesus made a promise and tells us to be ready when it is fulfilled.

In Revelation 22:12-13 Jesus says, “Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”


As Jesus said He would heal, He healed. As Jesus told the waves to shut up and sit down, they did. As Jesus said he would rise above the grave, He did. And as Jesus said He is coming back, He will.

Stand in awe of Christ. Be impressed. There has been no athletic play, no note in a song, and no peice of art that deserves a "WOW", like Jesus.

Believe Jesus. Love Jesus. Live Jesus.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thats why...

One question, with one word. A response, a statement, or a simple phrase of redundancy.


Many people ask why. Why this? Why that? Why me? Why not me? The question can hold so many connotations, point to many situations, and is part of several declarations.

The question why is often ased about Christian principles, and even Christianity itself.

Why Jesus? Why do I have to serve? Why must I go? It was their fault, why must I forgive?

The answer? Jesus said so, thats why.

Jesus said he was The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Thats why it is Jesus.

Jesus washed feet, healed the sick, made wine, and humbled himself to show The Father's love. Why do have to serve? Jesus did. Jesus told us to do the same.

Why must you go? He said go unto all the nations...and he said it with all authority in heaven and on earth. He had the right to say it, and did.

Forgiveness? Your a believer, a follower? Your forgiven. Jesus said it. Don't have a problem with that, right? Forgive others. Jesus said to.

(apologies for the tupe o's)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

God still working

Tonight is the farewell. Praying that I follow the example of Paul in his last address, in regards to his boldness and clarity.


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Brazil Update #2

Today was good.

God continues to show us his faithfulness. He is keeping us safe and well-fed!

We will be having service in the morning, and official service and reach out starts tomorrow afternoon.

Shared the Gospel in town today. Spoke through an interpreter and it went much better than I expected.

Thank you for all prayers!

Please pray that the people we come in contact with will see Jesus and accept him for who He is, what He has done, and what He calls us to do.

Love you all and in Christ,

Friday, July 9, 2010

Brazil Update #1

We are here!

Everything went wonderfully! Only security issue was my shaving cream. Guess I´ll go with the John the Baptist look the rest of the trip.

We just ate our firt meal here... It was delicioso!

I speak NO portugese. Please pray for me, as well as all of our speakers, and all interpreters.

Thanks for all of your prayers!

I do not have access to phone service at the moment but, email is available.

Please pray for safety, all areas of ministry including medical clinic, street evangelism, and construction teams as they build 3 churches, and etc.

I hope to stay in touch, I love you all, continue to pray for a spiritual revolution to take place here.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Stinkin' excited!

Please be in prayer me as I prepare to leave on Thursday, the 8th, for Belo Horizonte, Brazil. I will be ministering there until July 21st. I will preaching every night. I will also be street evangelism during the day. Please pray for me.

Please be in prayer for my team members. I am part of team that consists of approx. 200 members. This team ranges from doctors to a drama team. God willing, Christ will presented in many ways. Please pray for the team.

Please be in prayer for the Brazilian people. Brazil, like everywhere, needs Jesus. Pray for this need to be met.