Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Is Jesus really your everything? 

Tonight as I was praying, I began to pray for our churches and church members and for lost friends and family that I know. I prayed that our churches would be like-minded and sold out for the cause of Christ. I prayed that my lost family and friends would be saved. 

But then, I opened up my iTunes and played David Crowder's song This I Know. If you haven't heard it, here it is: 

When he said, "Take me up to where I was, when I never wanted more than You." It's like God saved me all over again. Think back to when you were saved by the grace of God. Ok, you there? You got the picture or video? Think about the one thing that you wanted. What's that one thing or person? Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. All you wanted was Jesus. Nothing more, nothing less. 

In our Christian life, we get burdened by unnecessary stuff. Tonight, in our class at church we watched a video titled Holy Discontent. The video was about things in our lives that we can't stand, not in a normal way, but things that you can't stand because they don't honor Christ. For example, churches that aren't active in the community and sharing the gospel. I can't stand that. I mean it drives me crazy. But why?

Why? The reason is that I've taken my eyes off of Christ. 

Man, this is good. I hope this fires you up as much as it does me. I mean think about it, remember at the end of John when Jesus redeems Peter and then while Jesus and Peter are walking and talking, Jesus tells Peter how he's going to die to glorify God. Then Peter sees John following them and he's like, "What about this dude, huh? What's gonna happen to him? Why I gotta be the one to die Jesus?" 

Peter took his eyes off of Christ and put them on John. When he did that, he was no longer satisfied in Christ alone. Jesus tells Peter in response, "What does it matter to you what John does? Just follow Me." 

Just follow Me. That's all we have to do. I get so caught up in church problems and things like that, that I forget what it is that I really want in life. This may sound crazy, so please don't misunderstand me here. Sometimes it's as if I want my lost friends and family to come to Christ more than I want Christ. Think about it, I've built up the most innocent but yet the most blinding IDOL. Do I really want Jesus more than anything? 

I'm giving y'all examples from my life, but y'all think about y'all's lives for a minute. Think about really good things that you want more than Jesus. I mean there's actually things out there that are good things to want, but they're not better than Jesus. I remember Seth telling me this when he was discipling me when I first got saved, he said, "Satan will bring good things into your life. Then he'll bring better things into your life, and they really are good and better things. But they're all meant to keep you from the best." The best being Jesus. 

Don't get caught up in what to do with your life, get caught up in Jesus. Keep your eyes on Him and let Him lead you and He'll take care of the rest. 

I wanna leave y'all with this thought: Satan is known as the author of confusion and the great deceiver. If you're saved then he can't take your salvation, but he can take your eyes off of Christ. Satan desires to distract and deceive in order to derail and destroy your life. 

Keep your eyes on Jesus, it's hard but it can be done. Remember Satan wants to take your eyes off of Jesus and put them on ANYTHING else in life. Stay focused. On Christ alone. 

Thanks for reading, I hope y'all enjoyed it.